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Dear Readers,

On May19 we celebrated the first anniversary of the JCC Family Library and Learning Center. What started as a dream has become a thriving center with shelves and shelves of Jewish books of every genre, a music studio, virtual reality, and a multitude of programs for kids, teens, and adults. Our doors are open to the community throughout the week, including Friday and Shabbos.

As summer approaches, the JCC will be offering CPR and first aid courses for men and women. Look out for an email with further information, or visit our website to find out more.   

In other local news, our New York State Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein announced that she will be retiring at the end of this year, following 44 years of service in the Assembly. She also announced her endorsement of Councilman Kalman Yeger as her replacement. Elections will be held in June, and the JCC is one of the polling locations for early voting in mid-June.

We are living in turbulent times, when each day raises questions about the survival of Israel, our place in the world, and the support of others for our nation. What we know with certainty is that we need a unified voice. Voting is important. Sticking together and being there for each other is important. We are humbled and grateful to be able to offer channels of unity through the JCC and hope they will strengthen us not only as a community but as part of a nation.

Stay safe and enjoy the summer weather. 

Warm regards,

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