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Dear Reader,


Like all of Klal Yisrael, we at the JCCMP reflected these past few weeks on the life and loss of the great Sar HaTorah Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l. He was not only a giant but also a link to the great leaders of the previous generation including his father, grandfather, uncle, and father-in-law. 

What a loss for all of us. 

I do feel fortunate to have visited Rav Chaim on many occasions, as part of Lev L’Achim, and Shuvu and as a baal simchah as each of my sons became bar mitzvah. When I brought my eldest for a brachah at his bar mitzvah, Rav Chaim turned to him and asked if he had learned hilchos tefillin. When he responded in the affirmative, Rav Chaim proceeded to ask him questions. It may have been a little bit more than my son had bargained for when coming in, but it definitely left memories. I also remember vividly that each time I met with Rav Chaim, he was always happy, laughing, or smiling, despite the many people who constantly came to him with heavy hearts requesting  brachos or advice. 

We are without the Rav Chaim, zt”l,  but his lessons remain. May we be inspired to learn like he learned, live like he lived, and love every Yid like he did. 

Yehi zichro baruch. 

I would like to wish you and your families a chag kasher v’sameach. 

Warm regards, 



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