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Hey, everyone! Welcome to another episode of Jewish music 101. I’m your host, Hillel Kapnick, and today we’re going to go on a journey to the latest and greatest recent releases in Jewish music. Buckle up, and let’s get started! 

Kol Hakavod – Simcha Leiner – Simcha has released a number of amazing albums to date, not to mention a DVD that brings us to this recent release. This album features the arrangements and compositions of Jewish music stars such as Yitzy Waldner, Mendy Hershkowitz, Shloimy Salzman, Elie Schwab, and Simcha himself! This album also includes a special chazzanus track titled “Ant Hu Zohn” dedicated in memory of Chazzan Sherwood Goffin. 

Ze Tov – Dovid Haziza – Dovid Haziza has been working his way into the Jewish music scene for a while now, opening concerts and singing at simchos throughout the country. Dovid has finally released his debut single! “Zeh Tov,” composed and arranged by the super talented Udi Damari, has a great beat and an even greater message. This track will surely get you dancing! 

Kulanu Nelech – Benny Friedman – Benny continues to find ways to surprise us with every album he releases. This diverse album features compositions by an equally diverse group of composers including Avraham Zamist, Udi Damari, Yitzy Waldner, Ari Goldwag, Yitzy Berry, Elie Schwab, and more! There’s something for everyone on this album from exciting dance tracks to soulful ballads. 

Rabim – Micha Gamerman – Micha has the ability to catch the attention of Jewish music fans in America from his location all the way in Brazil. Composed by Elie Schwab, this pop track will find you tapping your foot to the beat. As an extra bonus, Micha released a music video for this track, which is extremely entertaining! 

Blessings – Rogers Park – Although it may seem that electronic dance music reigns supreme within Jewish music, folk duo Rogers Park shook things up with the release of “Petersburg” and “The Maggid.” Mordy and Yosef’s vocals blend perfectly together and the positive and important messages they transmit through their music are especially powerful. Their new single “Blessings” includes a message just as important, wrapped in an upbeat musical arrangement. I had the pleasure of recording their vocals for this track, and I can vouch that they had as much fun recording this song as it sounds when you hear it. 

V’hakohanim – Aryeh Kunstler – Most people associate Aryeh with shredding electric guitar solos, or with his production and music mixing skills. While those both are good ways to define Aryeh, this new release will add some new definitions to the mix (pun intended). This track takes the listener on a journey back in time to the Beis Hamikdash on Yom Kippur. I believe Aryeh perfectly captured the feeling of the moment with this song, which is both mellow and extremely powerful. 

Mi X6 – The Yeshiva Boys Choir – Fans of The Yeshiva Boys Choir have been waiting anxiously for a new release, and I’m excited to announce that the wait is finally over! This track composed by Eli Gerstner, and released alongside a brand new music video, is a great way to make a splash! 

When All Feels Lost – Moshe Siegel – After producing numerous songs for other singers, Moshe Siegel has finally released a debut song of his own. “When All Feels Lost” is a beautiful song that encourages us to daven to Hashem even in the darkest times reminding us that no matter what, Hashem is always listening to our prayers. 

Bou – Danny Palgon – Danny has made quite a name for himself in a short amount of time. With his energy and amazing vocals, Danny has become a sought-after vocalist for simchos and has amassed a following online with his song covers. Danny has just released his new single “Bou” accompanied by a music video produced by the very talented Shimmy Socol. Check it out! 


Hillel Kapnick is a Producer/Singer/Musician/DJ based in Monsey, NY. He owns and operates Uptop Recording Studios (Monsey, NY), and sings and plays at simchas as a One Man Band/Singer and DJ. Hillel can be reached for questions, comments, or bookings at hillel@hillelkaps.com or through Instagram @hillelkaps

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