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Hope you’re having a great day! Join me while I take you through some of the latest and greatest releases within our exciting Jewish music world!

The Great Farby – Chony Milecki – Chony is world renown for being one of the most popular one-man bands on the simchah scene What many don’t know, is that Chony is a brilliant producer as well, and for those just hearing this for the first time, this album is definitive proof of that! This album features some of your favorite fabrengen hits sung by a large group of talented vocalists including Yoni Z, 8th Day, Benny Friedman, Beri Weber, Shmueli Ungar, Yanky Lemmer, and Chony himself! The music is expertly arranged to keep you dancing throughout the entire album.

Yesh Hakol – Yehuda Freundlich – Although Yehuda has been dabbling in music from a very young age, this is his first debut into the Jewish music world as a professional vocalist. This track composed by Yitzy Waldner, with lyrics from Miriam Israeli, has a great message and who better to help transmit that message through music than Doni Gross who arranged this hit! After hearing this track, I’m sure we’ll be hearing the name Yehuda Freundlich much more!

Eliyahu Hanavi – Matt Dubb ft. Munch – Matt Dubb has made quite a name for himself producing tracks through the years with Lipa Schmeltzer, Pumpedisa, and Zusha to name a few. And by now there’s no question that you’ve heard his most recent track “ Adama V’Shamayim.” Matt Dubb has released yet another track for us to enjoy. This track is a remix of the track “Eliyahu Hanavi” originally performed by Dudi Feldman and Sruly Lipschitz. This remix features vocals by Munch a.k.a. Menachem Weinstein who does a great job adding the perfect vocal and the right vibe to this track.  

Show Me The Way – Waterbury Mesivta – Yossi Landau and Moshe Teller, are both bochurim in Yeshiva Ateres Shmuel, otherwise known as the Mesivta of Waterbury. While in yeshivah, both Moshe and Yossi had started to develop their skills not just as vocalists, but as composers and songwriters. While we’ve all heard the saying “two heads are better than one,” Yossi actually put it into practice and asked Moshe to join him in completing the lyrics for the song, as well as getting his input on the music. From there I had the pleasure of stepping in to produce and arrange the track with a goal of making sure such intense but relatable lyrics would be transmitted in the most powerful and meaningful way. Show Me The Way is the product of our teamwork. This track validates all those who have ever struggled to find their path in life and brings hope to those still on their own personal journeys.

Ki Tov Hashem – Zevi Kaufman – Following the release of his debut album and then a few singles since, we’ve all been waiting patiently to hear some new music from Zevi Kaufman. The wait is finally over! Zevi has released this exciting new track composed by Mordechai Brezel and featuring a stunning arrangement by dynamic duo Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry.

Relax 10 – From MRM Music comes a new volume in the Relax Super Collection Mix series. This album was expertly arranged by Ephraim Berkowitz at Keybird Studios. Featuring 31 tracks with a diverse mix of current songs and memorable oldies, this album is sure to provide you with relaxing melodies that will refresh and invigorate you throughout your day.

Neon Dreams – Asher Laub – Asher Laub is no stranger to the Jewish music scene. For many years he has been a sought-after violinist at many simchos throughout the country and although many may be used to seeing him enhance a chuppah, or even add a new dimension to a dance set, this is something really special. Asher has developed his own style of playing that instead of adding to a typical wedding band, all but replaces them! Beginning with a fresh new sound of contemporary electronic music, Asher’s violin cuts through this single and will pull you out of your chair so you can start dancing to the beat!

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