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Le’zchus Refuah Shelaima for Alter Mordechai Tzvi ben Eka 


8/23 – Mr. and Mrs. Efy and Shoshana Berkowitz on the birth of a girl!
8/24 – Rabbi and Rebbetzin Arthur and Aviva Marks on the birth of a grandson! Also to parents Rabbi and Mrs. Ahron and Sussy Marks! A special mazel tov to the Marks, Pollack, Krumbein, Goldman, Katz, and Feig families!
8/7 – Mr. and Mrs. Aryeh and Shelly Rich on the birth of a girl!
8/23 – Mr. and Mrs. Dovid Gruen on the birth of a grandson! Also to parents Mr. and Mrs. Eliyahu and Leah Dina Moskowitz!
8/26 – Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Odes on the birth of a boy! Also to grandparents Rabbi and Mrs. Yossi and Rochel Odes!
8/28 – Mr. and Mrs. Eli Eisen on the birth of a girl!
9/4 – Mr. and Mrs. Yossi Dahan on the birth of a granddaughter! Also to parents Mr. and Mrs. Shmuli and Sara Bonnardel!
9/4 – Mr. and Mrs. Yossi and Mayrav Schwarzmer on the birth of a boy! Also to grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Alan and Batya Moskowitz!


9/12 – Mr. and Mrs. Hillel and Devora Hirsch on Shloime’s bar mitzvah! Also to grandparents Mrs. Sally Hirsch, Mr. and Mrs. Heshy and Zippy Nadborny, and Rebbetzin Chana Shmulewitz!


8/5 – Rabbi and Rebbetzin Yoseph and Tzippy Vigler on Batya’s engagement to Menachem Mendel Kahn from Paris! A special mazel tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Levi and Chana Hinda Khan!
8/29 – Rabbi and Rebbetzin Moshe and Basya Press on Shloimie’s aufruf and marriage to Blumie Rosenfeld! Also to Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel Rosenfeld and to grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Yisroel and Esther Press! A big mazel tov to the Press, Epstein, and Feig families!!



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