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Community Highlights
Chai Lifeline Honors Congressman Ritchie Torres

Chai Lifeline’s annual dinner, dubbed Evening of Unity: MISSION POSSIBLE, will pay tribute to Congressman Ritchie Torres of the Bronx with the Champion of Israel Award for his strong support of the Jewish State in the aftermath of the horrendous October 7th atrocities committed by Hamas. The dinner will also pay tribute to the worldwide Chai Lifeline crisis and trauma services team. A special unity kumzits will be hosted by Eitan Katz and Yishai Lapidot.
Shmuel Reichman to Speak at JBIZ Expo

Hundreds of Orthodox Jewish businessmen will be attending the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce’s 2023 annual flagship expo Harrah’s Waterfront Conference Center in Atlantic City. The theme of the expo is “Jewish Business Uniting the World.” The featured keynote speaker will be Shmuel Reichman, world-renowned speaker and best-selling author.

OU Special Conference on Eruvin

The Orthodox Union recently held the first-ever city eruv conference at its headquarters in Manhattan regarding the complex halachos and physical work involved in erecting and maintaining eruvin. “There’s a common misconception that eruvin are easy to construct, and that they’re good for 25 years,” said OU director of halachah initiatives Rabbi Ezra Sarna. “People don’t appreciate how hard it is to build an eruv properly and the effort needed to maintain it from week to week.” Rabbi Sarna showcased the new eruv software developed by the OU. The two-day event, organized by Rabbi Sarna and the National Eruv Initiative’s Rabbi Baruch Gore, drew over 60 eruv professionals across the religious spectrum from 35 cities in 10 states including California, Oregon, Illinois, Ohio, and Michigan, as well as Canada.

Spike in Anti-Semitic Crimes May Impact Bail Law

Since 2020, New York State’s criminal laws have eased, allowing several offenders to be released without bail, only to commit more crimes shortly after. The surge in anti-Semitic offenses, especially post-October 7th, prompted Governor Kathy Hochul to consider revising the state’s bail regulations. Last month, she acknowledged that the uptick in violent crimes targeting Jews might lead her to tighten these laws. She emphasized, “My foremost concern is ensuring the safety and welfare of all New Yorkers. It’s imperative that we prevent the normalization of hate and intimidation.”

Thanksgiving Day Hakhel Event

Hundreds of individuals utilized the recent Thanksgiving Day holiday to participate in the Hakhel Yarchei Kallah at Agudath Israel of Madison in Flatbush. Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, the spiritual leader of the hosting synagogue, delivered a discourse titled “The Brightest Candle.” Rabbi Yosef Viener’s lecture focused on “Decision-Making, Regrets, and the Measure of Success” from a philosophical perspective. Rabbi Dovid Grossman offered a halachah session detailing “Being a Conscientious Individual in the Marketplace.” Rabbi Maimon Elbaz presented an audio-visual display exploring “The Impact and Significance of the Mezuzah.”

Alternate Parking to be Suspended on Tishah B’ Av

The New York City Council recently approved a bill to suspend alternate side parking rules for Tishah B’ Av. Councilman Lincoln Restler, representing much of Williamsburg, clarified that his sponsorship of the bill stemmed from a desire to alleviate concerns for the Jewish community. He said, “The last thing they should worry about is relocating their vehicles. I take pride in the City Council’s decision to ease the burden a bit for our neighbors as they navigate through a solemn day of fasting and communal remembrance for the lost Temples in Jerusalem, spent in prayer and reflection.”

Mirrer Yeshiva Annual Dinner

The Mirrer Yeshiva annual dinner will be held at The Palace on Sunday, December 3. The event will pay tribute to the memory of two outstanding alumni and pillars of the yeshivah, Rabbi Boruch Harrar, z”l, and Rabbi Eli Cohen, z”l. Rabbi Dov Milstein will be presented with the Harbotzas Torah Award. Four kollel students who have marked 50 years in the Mirrer yeshivah kollel will be honored: Rabbi Yaakov Y. Friedman, Rabbi Yisroel Weichbrod, Rabbi Shloimy Berger, and Rabbi Binyamin Dembitzer.

Upper East Side Rallies to Support Jewish-Owned Café

Expressions of solidarity with Israel after October 7th’s brutal Hamas attacks at Manhattan’s Caffe Arone, owned by Orthodox Jew Aaron Dahan, resulted in multiple staff resignations and threats of boycott. Within hours of an online post by a customer describing the situation, hundreds of people arrived, forming long lines to show support by purchasing coffee. Fellow café owners lent their employees to help, further contributing to Caffe Aronne’s success. The establishment was completely sold out of every item within a short time, but the café continued to sell donated items, the proceeds of which went to Magen David Adom.

JCCMP Happenings

This Month at the Library

Here at the library, our events and programs are continuing with an extra emphasis on the matzav in Eretz Yisrael. Cards for our chayalim are available during library hours, and our budding artists are doing a great job creatively expressing their hopes and wishes for those at the front. The cards are sent to Eretz Yisrael each month. We are also adding Tehilim mechulak to be available during library hours so parents and teens can say a few perakim while the young ones browse for books and are entertained at the library.

Guitar classes for boys began this month, and baruch Hashem, the feedback is incredible! The boys are picking up skills quickly and already are starting to strum like pros! The music studio is up and running as well with the JCC library’s newly installed professional studio recording which is available on Thursday nights for individuals, schools, and groups to record songs and vocals. Sessions can be booked online through the JCCMP library website!

JCCMP Mother-Daughter Challah Bake

The JCCMP hosted its highly anticipated Annual Challah Bake at the Kingsway Jewish Center on Thursday, November 2. The event was hosted by Charlene Aminoff, founder and CEO of Gali’s Couture Wigs and a distinguished public speaker. The 400-plus attendees enjoyed an evening filled with inspiration, lively music, and joyful dancing, creating a memorable and uplifting experience for all participants. Following the recitation of Tehillim, the Ahava Girls Choir, led by Maayan Davis and Leedor Leibowitz, opened the evening with their trademark song “Ahava,” followed by “Acheinu”. Charlene imparted chizuk to the crowd in her signature way, with heartfelt inspiration during a difficult time. The evening was aimed to serve as a collective zechus for the community, our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael, and all of Klal Yisrael.

Free Computer Courses

To help you stay competitive in today’s ever-evolving job market, the JCCMP now offers free computer courses in QuickBooks and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plus social media marketing. All the classes, which will be held in 10-week sessions, will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. and will be conveniently held over Zoom. Participants (who must be 18 and over) will receive certification upon completion.

JCCMP Free Tax Prep

Filing your taxes could be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Let the JCCMP help you deal with Uncle Sam by stopping by and meeting with our tax preparers. If you earn $80,000 or less with dependents or $56,000 or less without dependents, you can file your taxes for free with us every week by appointment only, either in person or virtually. Save your money and get your taxes done for free so you can put your refund to good use. Call 212 453-9532 to make an appointment with our tax benefits department.

Motzoei Shabbos Girls Program

Back by popular demand, the JCCMP is once again hosting the popular Motzoei Shabbos Program for girls in grades five through eight. Each week, about 125 girls meet at the JCCMP Simcha Hall and enjoy socializing with their friends while engaging in a wide variety of fun and engaging activities. The weekly events include a cooking competition with Naomi Ross, a concert by Chaya Neuhaus, dancing with Raizy Pavlov, painting with Rivkie Devor, cooking with Esther Mendelevich, and a dance party with silent DJ Mimi Rabinowitz. The girls are treated to pizza at the end of each session.

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