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Going for the Gold!                                         

 By: Hillel L. Yarmove 


I guess that it is one of those delightful ironies that crop up “once in a Yovel” that my best friend, Leib, and his eishes chayil, Emma, my wife’s closest acquaintance, are celebrating their very own Yovel—fiftieth wedding anniversary—this Motzoei Shabbos  (in other words, on the 24th of Adar).

Ironic, perhaps because the number “50” is signified by the letter nun in gematriya. “Nun” is also the Aramaic term (in Targum and Gemara) for “fish,” the mazal of the month of Adar.

Ironic, maybe because for this iconoclastic couple, this event is, by any measurement, a veritable jubilee (the English cognate of Yovel, by the way!)—and they are both jubilant about it.

Ironic, possibly because their youngest married children, Sholom and Sora, are celebrating their 12th wedding anniversary on precisely the same date.

Ironic, conceivably because at this time of year many of the fir trees here in Lakewood are exhibiting a golden hue the likes of which I don’t ever recall seeing as a child raised in “upstate” New York.

Speaking of which: I spent a little time after Purim photographing some of the strikingly golden trees and bushes, which abound in Lakewood, where my wife and I presently reside. Now that spring is almost here, you might have thought that I’d concentrate instead on the emergence of crocuses (about which I have written on more than once in the past). But no—the shimmering gold of so many evergreen trees has thoroughly captivated me!

Just in time, you might say, for the golden wedding anniversary of our best friends.

Mishehnichnas Adar marbin b’ simcha (Ta’anis 29a). Rashi tells there us that this adage applies to Purim and to Pesach, since they are y’mei nissim—days of miracles.

And so too is a marriage that commenced in Adar one-half century ago an ongoing succession of marvels and wonders!

Such being the case, R’ Leib and Maras Emma, may Hashem Yisborach continue to misameach you together for another 50 years—or even more. Mazel tov, mazel tov, mazel tov to you both!


Questions or comments? I may be reached at hillyarm@yeshivanet.com.

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