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Dear Editor,

I loved the article “Make Your Marriage Great Again” by Rayle Rubenstein (Vol. 2,  Issue 53)! My husband and I read it together after putting the kids to sleep and it triggered a much-needed and honest conversation about how we can improve our marriage. Rabbi Epstein’s insight is very applicable and spot on.  We are hopefully on the road to making our marriage great again!



Dear Editor,

Rabbi Reuven’s ten principles of marriage should be taught in all kallah and choson classes. In this modern era, people mistakenly think that making themselves happy is the key to a successful relationship, and in doing so, they are fooling themselves into believing that if they are unhappy, it is because of something in the relationship, and not something within themselves.  Rabbi Epstein cleverly makes the distinction that you need personal satisfaction (sipuk) to make yourself feel whole, and then that spills over to the marriage as well. Also, many women might be angry by this declaration, but you are the ones that make or break the home (with some exceptions, of course). It is the woman’s job to set the tone, and the rest will follow. Ask yourselves: do I want to be right, or do I want to be happy?  Loved the piece!

Mrs. Schwartz


Dear Editor,

This letter is in response to R. B who complained in last week’s Letters to the Editor that she cannot afford to take her family on an extravagant winter vacation. You are not alone. There are many of us who stay put during winter break (and for Pesach!), and we all have a great time. It’s all what you make of it.

Suri Srulovitz


Dear Editor,

Ita Yankovich’s “Affirming Racism in Affirmative Action” paints a brutally honest and dismal picture of the future of this once praised policy. If I had read this piece 20 years ago, I would be submitting a different kind of letter. Unfortunately, after working for the Board of Education for over 30 years, I have seen how this policy has become tainted from its original intent and is now used as a springboard for nepotism of the races.  I have been passed over for a promotion by an individual of color (whom I have trained!) simply because I did not meet the race quota criteria. Just like the FDNY spoke up in protest, we must as well do so, or face a society where individuals are not judged on their merit or skills, but rather by their skin pigmentation.

Mr. Gerber


Dear Editor,

Thanks for putting out a great publication! I stopped reading most newspapers and other publications, but I read The Jewish Echo from cover to cover – and I immensely enjoy the wide range of well-written articles!  One thing that bothers me is that by the time I get the Echo mailed to my home, most of the  Yomim Tovim referenced in the magazine have passed – so the recipes and decorating info are not relevant anymore. I’d love it if it can be mailed out earlier! For Spotlight on Business, I would like to recommend you cover David the Barber on East 36th Street between Quentin and Ave. R. We’ve been using him for two years and my kids love going there! Besides for being a great local business that does a great job for a reasonable price, he is also convenient, always open before Yomim Tovim (think Pesach!), and very flexible.

Thanks again for a great publication!



 Thank you for your feedback and suggestions.


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