Home / Editorial / Letters-to-the-editor-44


Dear Editor,

I found myself laughing out loud while reading Rayle Rubenstein’s “How to Be a Real New Yorker.” The points she made are so true! I would like to add to the list. You know you are a New Yorker if:

  1. You walk, talk, and think fast.
  2. The Don’t Walk sign at the crosswalk is just a suggestion.
  3. You are not fazed by sirens, airplanes, or jackhammers. 
  4. You get into heated debates over who makes the best pizza.


A Real New Yawker


Dear Editor,

Last month’s feature interview with author Bracha Goetz was very inspirational! I wholeheartedly agree that the gateway to happiness starts with gratitude. This is where it all stems from.  Once you inject your life with feelings of gratitude, it’s amazing how so many other things fall into place. Besides for people wanting to be around you, Goetz is right when she says that it is the secret to a joyous home. I think it was Apple co-founder Steven Jobs who said in his final words that his pursuit of wealth was meaningless and that he regrets not spending more time fostering relationships with his family and friends.  If we follow Goetz’s instruction, we will surely climb higher and higher on the pleasure ladder.

Sonya G.

Dear Editor,

Last month’s “Open Letter to the Yeshiva” was heartbreaking. I hope the writer was able to get her child into the right school that will appreciate him for all his good qualities. Sadly, I have been hearing this sentiment from others as well. I understand  that yeshivos must be careful about whom they accept. I can understand that they want to avoid problems, but I feel this has gone too far. One of my friend’s sons, who is in an enrichment program and is a fine boy, was rejected because the school didn’t want to deal with kids from divorced homes. Of course, this was not said outright, but my friend found this out from one of the administrators.  Its truly a sad situation.

  1. B.

Dear Editor,

I was so glad to read in March’s Ask the Therapist that parents should push their kids to attend school when their pain or anxiety is minimal. I think some kids exaggerate their ailments. Of course, parents need to validate their feelings and rule out psychological trauma, but most of the time, kids need to learn to push things through and attend school. Life is full of stressors and kids need to learn early on how to cope with them instead of finding ways to escape.

A Parent




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