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Dear Editor,

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Rabbi Student’s column “Newspapers on Shabbos” (Vol. 2, Issue 51). As someone who only has time to catch up on my weekly reading on Shabbos, I was eager to learn the answer to whether this  is an allowed or appropriate thing to do on the holy day.  Each member of my family has their “Shabbos literature” that we turn to after the meal, and I am happy that we can continue doing so as it adds so much to our oneg Shabbos.   

Izzy Siegal


Dear Editor,

The pictures featured in your “Décor Dome Right: A Dazzling Chanukah” were stunning! They really got me in the mood for  Chanuka and inspired me to create my own distinct tablescape for our family party .

Goldy M.


Dear Editor,

Pinchos Shine is 100 percent right. It is imperative that we as a community come out in full force every time there is an election, big or small. Every government position and every  council member is  representing us and working  for us to get our specific needs met. If you didn’t make the effort to go out and vote, then you have no right to complain later.  Politicians will only care about constitutions   who have the power to put them in office and that is each and every one of us.

Yanky Perlman


Dear Editor,

In regards to Poland’s Jews: Their Past and Present,”  I don’t understand why we focus on these countries whose soil is drenched in our grandparents’ blood. Countries like Poland , have a long history of being unfriendly to their Jewish citizens (if they were even granted that status), and they don’t deserve to have our presence and communities there now when they feel guilty, or are just trying to boost their tourism. They didn’t want us there then, and we shouldn’t be there now.

Michoel Y.  

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