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Dear Editor,

I was debating for a long time if I should send this letter. The issue has been gnawing at me for over a month, so I feel compelled to share it.  Baruch Hashem, all the Yamim Tovim went very well and we got a chance to spend a lot of time with our family and friends. That said, I wish Yidden would understand that we are in galus; we are just temporary guests here. That means that although you enjoy singing zemiros in the sukkah with the family until 11 P.M., perhaps your gentile neighbors do not enjoy hearing it. Maybe you don’t mind that your kids and their cousins are playing (aka shrieking and crying) loudly in the backyard for hours while the adults are enjoying their quiet seudah indoors, but I assure you it bothers the other neighbors. You might think dancing on the street on Simchas Torah is beautiful, but I assure you, not all agree. Please be mindful of others in your community. It’s wonderful that we have a country that allows us to celebrate openly and wholeheartedly, but let’s not feel too comfortable and remember we are still in galus.

A Community Member

Dear Editor,

Despite lack of time, I feel I must comment after seeing a copy of Jewish Echo (September/October ’21). It says: “The Jewish Echo assumes no responsibility for the content of the articles.” Excuse me – a frum Jew cannot disseminate literature unless it is Torah-approved.  

Take the page “Word on the Street”: “I will only forgive if it warrants forgiveness…I may forgive but I will never forget.”   Since there is no editorial comment, some readers will think this is muttar. You are causing them to be over issurim d’Oraysa. 

I am sure you are well-intended and try to be inspirational as well as entertaining, but it is essential that you do take responsibility. 

Wishing you hatzlacha rabbah.

Birchas kol tuv.

Ms. R. Weissman

Dear Editor,

I would like to thank the author for writing the article (September, Issue 88,) as well as the Jewish Echo for publishing it. Many can learn from this article; they can learn what signs to look for, what not to do and when it’s time to begin looking for a new job. I have worked within the nonprofit frum community for almost twenty years and unfortunately, I can add stories of my own. I have seen good employees that have come and gone because of office politics, who chose to leave rather than to get “beaten down,” as one former colleague told me when she resigned.

It’s so sad that the issue of abuse in the workplace is often swept under the rug. The bosses must know that their behavior resembles that of a six-year-old child on a temper tantrum or who didn’t get their way and want everyone else to suffer as well, rather than leaders who assist others. Managers, CEOs, and bosses should be looked at and admired for what can be accomplished if hard work and good heart is truly recognized, but unfortunately that isn’t the case. Instead, these executives are feared for their tempers and sharp tongues by those who want to help the same people that their organization is helping. 

 Hopefully this article will get the buzz it deserves, and people will begin to talk and maybe slowly changes will begin. Employees will be valued rather than berated. The timing of the article was perfect, right before Rosh Hashana when people do teshuva and ask mechila if they have purposefully or unintentionally hurt someone. But I wouldn’t count on it, but one can dream, can’t they? I wish the best for the article writer and all others suffering. 

Kol tuv.

  1. Gruber


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