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What’s Your Purim Seudah Like?

Very festive! Even though it’s intended to be a family gathering just for  immediate relatives, somehow other people always pop over and end up joining in on the meal. By the end of the evening, we end up having second and third cousins, neighbors, friends form the old neighborhood, co-workers, and sometimes even meshaluchim sit with us and partake in the festivities. 

Moshe M.


It’s a nice wind down from the busyness of the whole day. We heard megillah, we made our rounds, we exchanged mishloach manos, and now we finally get to sit back, relax, and enjoy being together.

Batsheva Pearl


Yummy! Every Purim my mother makes her delicious Hungarian recipe of stuffed cabbage and we eagerly look forward to devouring it, especially after a day of eating nothing but junk food. 

Yitty Glazer


It is very nice. We sit around and have a nice, warm meal and discuss who we saw that day and rate and discuss all the costumes. 



I’m going to give an answer that you may not like any may not even publish. Our Purim seudah is a bit nerve racking for me. You see, I have two adult sons and a husband that like to drink and there have been years where someone gets a little too tipsy and either acts inappropriately and/or gets ill. One year we even had to call Hatzolah. Every Purim I worry about a repeat of this happening. 



Our seudah is a bit crazy because all the kids are on a sugar rush and are running around the house. I don’t think they even make it for a full serving at the table. When we are all sitting together it is funny to see a table surrounded by a clown, soldier, bride, Kohen Gadol, and Mickey Mouse!

Azar Family


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