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How much respect we need to give our essential workers like medical professionals, truckers, grocers, sanitation workers and postal carriers. While we are all staying safe at home, these people are devoted to their jobs and risking their lives to fulfill their duties. I don’t know how we would manage without their services. It is these people that deserve accolades, not Hollywood actors, musicians, and athletes.   Michal E.

The power of prayer. Doctors can fail, medicine can fail, machines can fail, but Hashem is always here and listening to our pleas. I have heard stories of people who were in ICU who made a miraculous recovery despite all odds, and I know it can only be explained due to the outpouring of prayer on their behalf.      M.J.

How united our community is. Instead of every man for himself, I have seen our community pull together and give back through donations, food drives, helping seniors, etc… When a crises hits, we  work together to see how and where we can help. This has been most reassuring during tough times.         

Allan Ziegler

How much I miss school! I used to hate going to school each morning, but now I wish I can go back. Zoom is fun but not as much as recess, lunch, and seeing my friends and my rebbe in real life.  

Moshe and Yoel Leibowitz.

To appreciate the simplicity in life. I was panicking on how my kids would manage being in the home for so many weeks without our usual luxuries and outings. I was dreading dealing with their temper tantrums and cabin fever, but I am happy to report that none of that happened. I didn’t hear any complaints. My kids adapted and rediscovered board games, sitting on the porch, arts and  crafts and the art of conversation. I myself will never take for granted simple things such as going to the grocery store, visiting grandparents, going to shul, and even work. I miss our old lives and look forward to it coming back to normal soon.  Tzivia B.

Hashem is in control. I have heard about young, healthy people dying from COVID-19 and then you hear stories about seniors in their upper 80s and 90s recovering nicely from it. Nobody can explain why or how. Like we say on Yom Kipper-it is decreed on that day  who will live and who will die.   

Etty  Kleiger

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