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How do you engage the kids at your Pesach Seder?

Stay home and show them what a REAL Seder is supposed to be like.

 Rivky B.


Lots of hands on interaction in preparation for the Seder. I get them excited for the evening beforehand, so when it comes time to sit down for the actual meal, they are all super pumped. I also give out various incentives during the Seder if they act properly.  

Shaindy Weichbrod  


I get my kids into it with décor. I put plastic frogs on the table, and give each kid their own crown and special cup to make them feel like royalty.  Giving out tokens or prizes that can be cashed in later for good behavior is also a good idea that I implement. I also give out marshmallows that the kids may eat during the Seder to reinforce participation and to keep them happy and awake. 

Vicky Strobel


Singing and telling stories together always sets a festive mood for the children.  

Rivky Spira


I have used toys to demonstrate the ten makkos. I also buy makkos masks at the local Judaica store, and I have frog straws at the table to make it more fun. I also give out surprise gifts to each child after they recite  the Ma Nishtanah.  

 Rena L.


I give out pekalach during the Seder that contains cute props for each of the makkos. For example, sunglasses for makkahs choshech, bloody, fake fingers for makkahs dam, and slimy frogs for makkahs tzifardeya. The kids make a whole game out of it and love it!               

Shiffy S.


I like to give incentives that come in the form of treats or chocolates for the kids who asked thought-provoking questions, contributed to the Seder discussions, listened nicely to the story of Exodus, or gave a compelling dvar Torah.  When everyone has a voice during the Seder, it makes for a lively affair.

  G. F.

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