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How do you avoid the winter blues?

Go to Florida!               Raizy Greenberger

Make sure to get at least 15 minutes of sunlight each day. Go for a walk outside during your lunch break or sit by a sunny window and absorb the light and vitamin D through the glass.   L. Guttman

Hibernate like the bears do and only come out in April.   Marty Adler

It’s hard not to get down during these long, dark wintery nights. On days I am feeling a bit depressed, I put on some music, make a nice cup of hot chocolate, and snuggle on the couch while chatting with a friend on the phone.    S. L.

Try to enjoy winter activities! Winter doesn’t have to be sad. Go out and play in the snow. Admire the beauty that this season has to offer.  Shelly Resler

Mark down the days until summer on your calendar and buy yourself a special treat on Rosh Chodesh of every month to get you through it.  – B.G.

Think about all the good aspects  of winter: 1) It’s not bathing suit season 2) Long Motzoei Shabbosos enable you to hang out with friends 3) No humidity means no frizzy hair 4) No mosquitoes 5) Making snowmen with the kids.   Maya Shalom

I heard that vitamin B supplements and St. John’s wort can help, but I never tried them.  Alex Y.

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