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Partners in Torah Honors Rabbi Eli Gewirtz


It was 25 years ago that Rabbi Eli Gewirtz came up with Partners in Learning, the idea of matching an assimilated and secular Jew with a thoughtful, frum Jew as chavrusos  who can learn together over the telephone each week for an hour on any topic of interest. Over the years, there have been tens of thousands of Partners in Learning, and the result has been that many of the once assimilated Jews have become more educated and proud of their Jewish heritage. Rabbi Eli and Chany Gewirtz were guests of honor last month at the Lincoln Square Synagogue for the 25th Anniversary Banquet of the Partners in Torah. Other honorees were Rabbi Greg Wall (rabbinic leadership award,) Elysa Goldman (young leadership award), Dr. Linda Greenberg and Chava Willig Levy (partners of the year) and Chaya Schron (Brooklyn) and Leah Schapiro (Santiago, Chile) as international partners of the year.


Flatbush Supports Efforts to Protect the Har Hazeisim Cemetery

The International Committee for Har Hazeisim, a Flatbush-based organization that is dedicated to protecting thousands of years of Jewish kevorim, (graves) at Har Hazeisim, (the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem) held a special annual breakfast meeting last month at the Brooklyn home of Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Leah Gelernter. Since its establishment a few years ago, the ICHH has installed 171 security cameras, arranged with the Israeli government to open a police station, install protective walls and gates, and increasing tenfold the number of visitors to the historic cemetery that was once avoided because of attacks by Arab thugs. The breakfast gathering was highlighted by Rabbi Noach Isaac Oelbaum as the guest speaker and greetings delivered by Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff. Also participating were Mr. Menachem Lubinsksy, co-chairman of the ICHH and Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, executive vice president of the Agudath Israel of America.


90th Anniversary Dinner of Kingsway Jewish

Center Honors Rabbi Dr. and Mrs. Mordechai Schiffman

The Kingsway Jewish Center (KJC) will honor its associate rabbi – Rabbi Dr. Mordechai and Meira Schiffman as guests of honor at its 90th annual dinner on Sunday, June 10th. Rabbi Schiffman has for the past few years assisted Rabbi Etan Tokayer in making the modern Orthodox synagogue a meaningful religious experience for hundreds of Jews of many different backgrounds who live near the Kings Highway and Nostrand Avenue neighborhood. The dillner will also include special tributes of Julius and Cecile Moss, z”l and family (KJC patrons); Mr. Jesse Schraub (KJC trustee) and Alice Loubaton, Jonah Meer, Neil Peters and Julian Seewald (previous KJC administration).


Flatbush Satmar Bikur Cholim Honors Reb.

Fraidy Friedman and Reb. Faige Adler

The Flatbush Satmar Bikur Cholim held its annual spring tea at the Ateres Chynka Hall. Guests of honor were Rebbetzin Fraidy Friedman and Rebbetzin Faige Adler. Other honorees included Mrs. Chumi Rokeach (Rebbetzin Chaya Frankel memorial award), Dr. Mayer Adler and Dr. Chaim Aryeh Gitelis (physicians of the year), Mrs. Leah Tratner (kesser shem tov award), Mrs. Eva Treitel (ahavas chessed award), Mrs. Rifky Markowitz (aishes chayil award), and Mrs. Ilana Farbstein (Rae [Farber] Stein memorial award. A special memorial award to Mrs. Hindu Fried, a”h was presented to her daughter Mrs. Bella Weinreb.


Rivkah Laufer Bikur Cholim Flatbush Division

Annual Spring Brunch Pays Tribute to Volunteers

The Flatbush Division of the Rivkah Laufer Bikur Cholim held its annual spring brunch last month in the home of Mrs. Faigy Fried. The brunch was dedicated to the memory of its beloved founding member – Mrs. Ruth Silber, a”h. The brunch also honored Mrs. Tzippy Wydra (Miriam Lubling award for distinguished service), Mrs. Chaykie Rosenthal (ahavas chessed award), and Ms. Bracha Lavrinoff (community service award).


Yeshiva Tiferes Yisroel Celebrates its 30th Anniversary

Yeshiva Tiferes Yisroel recently marked three decades of accomplishments in educating and inspiring young boys in our community with its 30th annual dinner at The Palace last month. Mr. and Mrs. Mendy Josefovic were the guests of honor, while Mr. and Mrs. Dovid Schmelczer were honored as YTY parents of the year. Other honorees included Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Dworkin (tomchei Torah award), Mr. and Mrs. Moishe Herman (alumnus of the year award), and Mr. and Mrs. Meir Kessler (amud hachesed award).


Rabbi Fievy Lieberman Becomes Executive Director of Yeshiva and Mesivta Torah Temimah

Rabbi Fievy Lieberman has devoted his career to advancing the world of Torah chinuch utilizing his a keen sense of vision, unique dynamism, and a wealth of successful experience. He is now returning to the makom haTorah that he graduated – Yeshiva and Mesivta Torah Temimah in order to become the yeshivah’s new director. YMTT has for over 60 years helped educate thousands of Brooklyn boys who have gone on to significantly contribute to the growth of Orthodox Judaism in almost every major Jewish kehillah in North America.


Yeshiva Gedola and Mesivta Ohr Yisroel, Congregation Ohr Yisroel and Kollel Ma’ayan Yitzchok Holds Dinner

Nineteen years of growth in Torah education was celebrated late last month with a special dinner held at the Kingsway Jewish Center where the evening’s guests of honor were Mr. and Mrs. Aroni Parnes. The mosdos Torah under the guidance of Rabbi Avraham Nesanel Zucker, the Rosh Yeshivah and Rabbi Raphael Bernstein, the Mesivta Menahel also paid tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Yitzy Tepper (alumnus of the year,) Mr. and  Mrs. Yitzy Berger (shochein tov award) and Mr. and Mrs. Duvie Silbiger (parents of the year). The dinner chairmen were Mr. Chaim Abramson and Mr. Jason Lyons.


Major Flatbush Rabbonim Meet to Address Important Community Issues

The Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition (FJCC) sponsored an extraordinary gathering of more than 50 prominent rabbonim and roshei yeshivah including spiritual leaders of the sephardic, Russian, chassidic and yeshivah kehillos. Rabbi Zvi Gluck, Rabbi Binyomin Babad and Rabbi Zev Dunner spoke about the growing dangers of addictions and abuse. Rabbi Yisroel Reisman focused on the need to revitalize the Flatbush mikveh. Rabbi Ezra Rodkin and Rabbi Shulman updated the crowed on  recent meetings the Flatbush rabbonim had with NYC officials regarding various community concerns. Rabbi Daniel Osher Kleinman spoke about the Machane Kodesh program and its aim of establishing  a technology standards for Jewish families in Flatbush. Rabbi Yossi Ashkanazy presented a concept for a new chessed project and Mr. Albert Kahn spoke of the need to encourage everyone in the community to have life insurance. The gathering was chaired by Mr. Josh Mehlman, chairman of the FJCC and was hosted by Rabbi Aharon Harari-Raful at Congregation Keter Torah.


Yeshiva and Mesivta of Brooklyn Marks 110 Years

Of Excellence in Torah Education

The Yeshiva and Mesivta of Brooklyn, a world renowned Flatbush Torah institution with separate boys and girls divisions, and whose origins go back to the early years of Jewish life in Williamsburg, held its 100th anniversary last month at Ateres Chynka Hall. The dinner was dedicated in memory of Mr. Rachamim Dabbah, devoted father and grandfather of many YOB talmidim and talmidos. Also a special memorial tribute was presented to two beloved teachers who were nifteret this year – Mrs. Ruth Neubort and Mrs. Dassy Silberman (Moskowitz.) Other honorees included Rabbi and Mrs. Yechezkel Felder (marbitz Torah award), Rabbi and Mrs. Zelig Mandel (parents of the year – girls high school), Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Nimni (parents of the year – boys division), Mr. and Mrs. Yisroel Gold (parents of the year – girls elementary division), and Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai Friedman (alumnus of the year).


Yeshiva Ateres Shmuel of Waterbury Pays Tribute to its Founders

Yeshiva Ateres Shmuel of Waterbury [Connecticut] will hold its 18th annual dinner on Sunday, June 3rd at the Terrace on the Park. The yeshivah, which attracts hundreds of young men, including many from Brooklyn, will pay tribute to its founders, Rabbi Avrohom Fruchthandler (founder of the yeshivah award), Rabbi Yaakov Rajehenbach (founder chairman), and Mr. Moshe Wolfson (founder chairman). Other honorees are Mr. and Mrs. Efraim Perlowitz (parents of the year), Rabbi an Mrs. Avi Oberlander (marbitz Torah award), and Mr. and Mrs. Shimshy Brecher (alumnus of the year).


Rabbi Yisroel Reisman to be Guest Speaker at 27th Annual Breakfast for CHUSH

The 27th annual breakfast to benefit the children of Yeshiva Libanos Hasapir – CHUSH will be held on Sunday, June 10th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shlomo and Esther Werdiger. Rabbi Yosef Frankel, the Vyelipol Rav, will deliver divrei brachos. The guest speaker will be Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, Rosh Yeshivah of Torah Vodaath and Mora D’Asra of the Agudath Israel of Madison.

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