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5th Annual E-Commerce Expo & Conference February 6

The 5th Annual E-Commerce 2018 Conference & Expo, the largest E-Commerce event in the Tri-State area that is partially sponsored by the JCC of Marine Park, will be held on Tuesday, February 16 at The Palace. The event is expected to draw hundreds of participants from the New York Metropolitan area who are interested in meeting exhibitors and attending seminars where they can learn about the many resources and services available. In addition to eight seminars on Amazon-selling for both beginners and advanced entrepreneurs, and 10 roundtable discussions, participants will enjoy a glatt kosher full buffet dinner and valet parking. Registration is $90. For more details, please contact Yitzy Weinberg by calling (718) 407-1832 or emailing Yitzy@jccmp.org.


Emergency Campaign to Help the Azan Family

The effects of the tragic Chanukah fire that took the lives of a mother and three of her children continue to reverberate in our community. The father and two children are still in the hospital and face the reality of painful and very costly surgeries.  To help the family, an emergency campaign for the Azan family has been organized under the auspices of Rabbi David Ozeri, the family’s rabbi.  Donations can be made online at www.gofundme.com/official-azan-family-fire-fund. Checks can be made out to Yad Yosef and dropped off at the Hat Box, 1837 Coney Island Avenue (corner of Avenue O) or mailed to Arem, 1126 East 23 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11213.

Friday Night Lectures at Rav Landau’s Shul

Among the Shabbos night highlights in the community are the hour-long Friday night shiurim at Rav Landau’s shul (Khal Hisachdus Yereim Veretzky), located at the corner of Avenue L and East 9 Street. Among the outstanding speakers scheduled for February and March are Rabbi Eli Mansour (Parashas Yisro), Rabbi Yaakov Zev Smith (Parshas Mishpatim), Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb, (Parashas Trumah), and Rabbi Zecharya Wallerstein (Parashas Tetzaveh). All lectures focused on the parashah of the week begin at 8:30 P.M.

Fire Safety and Prevention Program Offering Free Smoke Alarm Installation

In the aftermath of the tragic Azan family fire, City Councilman Chaim Deutsch, in conjunction with the FDNY and the American Red Cross, orchestrated a “Learn About Fire Safety and Prevention” evening at Madison High School last month. The initiative included emergency procedures, tips for holiday safety, preventative measures, and a sign-up for free installation of smoke alarms. If you would like to have a smoke alarm installed in your home, call Councilman Deutsch’s office at (718) 368-9176.

BINA Stroke and Brain Injury Assistance Dinner Highlights Important Medical Service

Last month, the annual dinner of BINA (Stroke and Brain Injury Assistance) was held at El Caribe. Among those honored for their service in helping members of our community with stroke and brain injuries were Salman Azhar, MD, director of stroke at the Lenox Hill Hospital – Northwell Health (Stroke Leadership Award); David J. Biderman, PhD, supervisor of psychology at the Brain Injury Day Treatment Program at Rusk Rehabilitation – NYU Langone Health (Excellence in Brain Injury Rehabilitation Award); and Mr. and Mrs. Chemi Bochner (Community Inspiration Award), upstanding and beloved members of our own Marine Park community.

NCO officers do a phenomenal job interacting daily with members and tackling quality of life issues. Councilman Chaim Deutsch joined Chief Steven Powers and Chief Rodney Harrison to meet the new NCO officers.

Project Witness Teachers’ Seminar Highlights the Legacy of the Hidden Children

Project Witness held a special Holocaust program for teachers at The New Seminary in Flatbush. In addition to a showing of a documentary on Jewish children who were hidden in gentile homes during the Holocaust, the seminar included lectures by Ms. Rochel Licht, Holocaust educator, on the topic of “Hidden Children During the Holocaust.” Rabbi Yossi Weiser, veteran mechanech and Holocaust educator, addressed the theme of “Hidden Children: She’eilos and Teshuvos.” Mrs. Tzipora Spiro, child survivor, and Mrs. Deborah Schechter, emcee, spoke on the topic of “My Experience as a Hidden Child.”

The Jewish Entrepreneur Brings on a New Program Director

 The Jewish Entrepreneur (TJE) is a non-profit organization that empowers the entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs in the Jewish community.  Since its inception three years ago, TJE has matched over 500 business owners with mentors tailored to their specific needs.  The Jewish Entrepreneur is proud to announce the hiring of Robert Safren, who recently retired from a management position in the private sector, to further develop the organization and increase its impact within the Jewish community.  “I am excited to join such a dynamic organization,” said Mr. Safren.  “The success that TJE has seen to date in growing the bottom line for many businesses in our community is extraordinary, and I am looking forward to playing a key role in driving that growth.”  While initially focused on the East Coast, TJE is in the process of expanding nationally. We are extremely judicious with our mentors’ time. We understand the time constraints many of our mentors are under, and we do everything we can to ensure that their time is well spent. In fact, in many cases, significant impact can be made with just one or two phone calls.” If you are an experienced business owner or professional and would like a rewarding opportunity to give back and help develop the next generation of business leaders in our community, please join our ranks as a mentor by emailing Robert Safren at  robert@thejewishentrepreneur.org.  If you are in need of sound business advice, judgment, or guidance, please visit tjenetwork.com to connect with a mentor.


David Greenfeild, CEO of Met Council, organized day of service in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with 600 volunteers  who prepared packages  for their network of 30 food pantries, including elected officials Robert Cornegy, Jr.  Walter T. Mosley, and Senator Hamilton at Union Temple.

At the swearing in ceremony for Governor Phil Murphy of NJ and Lt. Gov. Sheila Oliver with Avi Richler and Rabbi Abe Friedman.

Ezra Friedlander and Rep. Tom Suozzi in Washington.

Hachnasas Sefer Torah in Memory of Rav Chaim Yisroel Belsky

A special sefer Torah is being written in memory of the legendary Rosh Yeshivah of  Yeshiva and Mesivta Torah Vodaath, Rav Chaim Yisroel Belsky, zt”l. A Ksivos Osiyos reception will be held at the home of Dovid and Esther Shurin, located on 1924 East 24 Street on Motzoei Shabbos Mishpatim, February 10. A second melaveh malkah hosted by R’ Dovie Minzer and R’ Yehoshua Teller will be held on February 17. The Hachnasas Sefer Torah will be held on February 18, beginning  at 11 A.M. with final writing at the house of the late Rosh Yeshivah at  506 East 7 Street. The grand Torah procession will begin at 1 P.M. down Cortelyou Road towards the yeshivah, to be followed by seudah and divrei zikaron.


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