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Community Highlights 

 Daniel Keren


World Jewry Mourns the Petirah of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, Zt”l 

The joy of Shushan Purim was dimmed for Jews around the world with the news of the fatal heart attack of our generation’s Sar HaTorah, Rabbi Shmaryahu Yosef Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l (1928-2022) just hours before the onset of Shabbos Parashas Tzav. Born in Pinsk, Belarus in 1928, Rav Chaim was six years old when his family moved to Eretz Yisrael. Blessed by the opportunity to be tutored by his father the Steipler Gaon, zt”l, and his uncle the Chazon Ish, zt”l, Rav Chaim blossomed into one of the most outstanding of our generation’s Torah scholar. His pure joy in learning Torah has served as inspiration for all of Klal Yisrael and his petirah has made all of Klal Yisrael feel a great sense of spiritual bereavement.


Boro Park JCC Organizes Senior Health Expo for Senior and Caregivers

The Boro Park Jewish Community Council will sponsor Senior Health Expo 2022 for both interested seniors and their caregivers on Sunday, May 15 from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. at Ateres Golda. The focus will be on assisted living, homecare, nursing homes, pharmacies, doctors, rehabilitation centers, elder law, senior services, financial services, mobility products, therapy services, and more.


JCC of Marine Park Helps Hundreds of Local Families Make Pesach


Pesach is a joyous but expensive Yom Tov. But for many families who are being affected by dramatic increases at the gas pump and at the supermarket, this festival celebrating our nation’s redemption from Egyptian bondage has become ever more challenging. The JCC of Marine Park has in past years with the help of generous donors provided 200-plus families with cases of food consisting of grape juice, matzah, fresh produce, and other basic Pesach staples to families who would otherwise not have food for the holiday. The JCC of Marine Park also provides these families with vouchers to local supermarkets so they can obtain fresh poultry, eggs, cottage cheese, milk and other perishables for Yom Tov. To help the JCCMP fund this project, please click www.Jccmp.org/donate and in the memo write “Pesach.”


Agudath Israel Launches $10 Million  Campaign to Aid Ukrainian Jews


Once again, the Jews of the Ukraine are suffering terribly as tens of thousands of Jewish families and elderly have been forced to flee from their homes often with only the clothes on their back and perhaps a suitcase. The Agudath America of Israel is asking American Jews to partner with helping to alleviate the plight of our brethren whose situation is getting more difficult with each passing hour. To join the campaign please click agudah.org/Ukraine or call (929) 529-0200.


Flatbush Community Mourns the Petirah of Rav Grainom Lazewnik, Zt”l

The petirah last month of Rav Grainom Lazewnik, zt”l at the age of 106, has saddened the entire Flatbush community. The longtime mora d’asra of Congregation Mosad Adar Gbyr was born in the shtetel of Lenin in the Pinsk region. He studied in Novardok yeshivos in Pinsk and Mezritch. While in the Pinsk Novardok Yeshiva, Rav Lazewnik was deeply influenced by the Steipler Gaon who was a maggid shiur. After miraculously surviving the Holocaust, Rav Lazewnik immigrated to America, first becoming the Rav of  Young Israel of New Lots. After demographic changes, he moved to Flatbush and established Mosad Adar Gbyr. He has inspired hundreds of families over six decades of rabbinical service in Brooklyn. May his family be comforted amongst the mourners of Zion in the gates of Yerushalayim.


NYS Education Department Strikes Again Against Our Yeshivos


For the third time in recent years, progressive elements in the New York State Education Department have released a new set of proposed regulations that are targeting the integrity and independence of our community’s yeshivos. According to Yeshiva World, NYSED Commissioner Betty Rosa included at the last minute before the release of the new regulations a provision that threatens jail time for parents who send their children to a yeshivah that refuses to comply with the new regulations. Interestingly, Catholic and independent secular private schools will be exempted from reviews of their education. The law would be applicable to only religious Jewish schools.


Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition Welcomes NYC Mayor Eric Adams

The FJCC early last month welcomed New York City Mayor Eric Adams to a special meeting hosted at the Flatbush Hatzolah Building on Ocean Avenue and Avenue N. It was one of Mayor Adams community meetings outside of City Hall and he was accompanied by his newly appointed senior advisors Joel Eisdorfer and Community Affairs Unit (CAU). The Mayor told those at the meeting, “If every community in the city was like this one, my job would be a walk in the park.” He praised the Flatbush community for their devotion in  constantly giving back to others, for their concern in running their own schools, volunteer ambulance services, declaring, “We need to take this spirit of volunteerism and spread it across other communities.”


Chasdei Lev Rewards Our Dedicated Rebbeim and Moros with Pesach Packages


Hundreds of our community’s dedicated rebbeim and moros will be receiving a great display of gratitude by organizers of Chasdei Lev before Pesach. Hundreds of volunteers will pack boxes of essentials and deliver them to those who have dedicated their lives to teaching our children in the values of Yiddishkeit. The Brooklyn distribution is scheduled for April 3. Similar distributions have been planned  in Queens, Monsey, Far Rockaway, and Lakewood.


Pre–Pesach JCCMP Blood Drive

Despite being busy with Pesach preparations, almost a hundred local volunteers showed up on Sunday, April 3,  at the Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin on Avenue L to participate in  the bi-annual JCCMP blood drive.  The blood drive was in response to an urgent appeal from Maimonides Hospital in regards to a severe blood shortage caused by COVID-19. The blood drive is held in memory of Arnold Jablon, father of Douglas Jablon, assistant to the president of Maimonides Hospital.  Free gifts were distributed to all donors and a hearty breakfast and lunch meal; was served as well. 



Marine Park Motherhood, a new initiative for mothers of young children, has launched a series of educational classes in conjunction with the JCC of Marine Park for moms-to-be in the neighborhood.  Chaya Bruck, a certified birth doula, led a class on Wednesday, March 23 with information on how to alleviate the discomfort and pain associated with pregnancy. Participants learned techniques for an easier birth and received information about the physiological birth process, pelvic floor dysfunction, and body alignment. On Tuesday, March 29, Chaya Stern, RN, IBLC, led a lactation class with tips, information, and support for nursing mothers. For information on future classes, please email MPmoms@jccmp.org 


Marine Park Motherhood, in conjunction with the JCCMP, is excited to introduce a brand-new Mommy and Me class for babies, toddlers, and their moms presented by JLeagues. The group is open to tots ages 1 – 3 years of age. Each session will run for one hour and 15 minutes and will include music and movement, storytime, aleph bais, gymnastics, and arts and crafts. The cost of each class is $15. To reserve your slot, please call or text 917-873-3912 or email MPmoms@jccmp.org


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