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Community Highlights 

Met Council‘s Affordable Senior Housing

The Met Council on Jewish Poverty, for the first time in five years, is opening the list of 100% affordable senior housing at its Council Tower Village in the Canarsie section of Brooklyn. Applications are open to seniors who are 62 or older with a maximum income of $23,900 for an individual or $27,200 for a two-person household. The advantage is that such seniors need pay no more than 30% of their adjusted gross income for those living on Social Security at approximately $424 a month. The Council Tower IV is part of the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Council Towers that forms a cohesive community of over 400 seniors who enjoy access to a wide range of services facilitated by both the Met Council and the staff of the Jewish Community Center of Canarsie. Download an application at www.metcouncil.org/housing; call (212) 453-9537; or email ct4inquiry@metcouncil.org.

Touro College Graduates Receive Maimonides Awards

The Touro College School of Health Sciences honored six of its top graduates in a virtual commencement ceremony. Touro College and University System President Dr. Alan Kadish called on the more than 300 graduates “to persevere with confidence and empathy, while applying all the knowledge and skills you have learned and live with passion and purpose.” Dean of the Touro College School of Health Science, Dr. Louis Primavera, told the graduates, “You’re entering the healthcare profession at a very difficult time, yet I know you will make major contributions to this field and serve as role models for others.” The six Touro graduates honored with Maimonides Awards were Naftali Jaroslawicz (speech and language pathology program); Gitty Schweitzer (nursing program); Daniele Mitner and Dina Bergman  (occupational therapy program); and Lewis Lupowitz and Michael Cohen (physical therapy program).

Rabbi Yehoshua Pinkus Appointed Agudath Israel Director of Yeshivah  Services

The Agudath Israel of America has announced the appointment of Rabbi Yehoshua Pinkus to the position of director of yeshivah  services. He will be replacing Mrs. Deborah Zachai, the longtime director, who will be stepping down at the end of the calendar year after almost four decades of service. The Youth Services Division offers a vital resource for yeshivos and day schools throughout the United States, with informative emails, providing workshops on myriad educational topics and representing and advocating on behalf of yeshivos before local, state, and federal legislatures and governmental agencies.

Pesach Tikvah Institute Introduces Post-Graduate Institute

The Pesach Tikvah Institute directed by Dr. Yitzchok Shindler, Psy.D, and Mr. Avrumi Heimowitz, LCSW, is introducing a post-graduate institute for behavioral health practitioners. The institute will offer world-renowned presenters, a wide range of mental health topics, a chance to earn a certificate of completion, CEU credits that can be earned, individualized training and supervision, and special focus on advancing the skills of heimishe therapists.

COJO Flatbush Seeks Phone Volunteers to Entertain Lonely Seniors

Now that the Yamim Tovim are over and our schedules are less hectic, perhaps you may have time to be a phone volunteer  to lonely homebound seniors in Flatbush. The Pikus Senior Enrichment Programs, a project of COJO Flatbush, needs participants who can develop a rewarding and fulfilling relationship with elderly individuals by singing a song, telling a story, conversing in rhyme, playing a game, or being a Torah chavrusa. For those seniors who are eligible, the Pikus Senior Enrichment Programs offers personal friendly visits, social gatherings, transportation, escort to medical appointments, and cleaning services. For information contact Naomi Shapiro at (718) 377-2900, extension 7633; or email volunteers@jewishcouncil.org

English Shidduch Initiative Welcomes Your Participation and Registration

In London, England the Agudas Yisroel Shidduchim Project has helped more than 350 of its registered singles find their bashert. The Shidduch Initiative is both a confidential and free service available to singles, widows, and divorcees of all ages and backgrounds. Privacy is of utmost importance and access is only available through private individually allocated codes. The Agudas Yisroel Shidduch Initiative takes advantages of the sophisticated power of technology while simultaneously providing personal and experienced shadchanim from diverse backgrounds who can focus on different age groups and personality types throughout the world. For more information, email shidduchim@agudas.org.uk or call +442032400117. If no one answers, leave a message and calls will be returned within 24 hours. 

Large Trump rally in Marine Park on Sunday, October 25.

Rabbi Yaniv Meirov at the kever of his Rebbe HaRav Ahron Walkin zt”l (Rosh Yeshiva of CHAZAQ’s Beis Medresh Bais Nosson Meir and Kolel Zichron Moshe Ve’Leah) earlier this week.

The JCCMP, in conjunction with Assemblywoman Helene
Weinstein, hosted a mask and hand sanitizer giveaway for the
Marine Park community at large on Sunday, October 18 at the
JCC Simcha Hall. Free toys were distributed to children in
attendance, capping off the day in a fun way.
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