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Community Highlights 


Elected Officials Demand Action for Special Education Students and Providers


Councilman Chaim Deutsch, Councilman Kalman Yeger, State Senator Simcha Felder, and State Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein composed a complaint letter to NYC Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza demanding action for special education students and their providers, who have been adversely affected by the recent COVID-19 shutdown of yeshivos and Bais Yaakov schools. Delays in payments to providers has been an ongoing problem for many years. Unfortunately, the current pandemic has intensified the situation creating a crisis for the providers of special education who haven’t been paid for their billed hours in over six months. The letter emphasized that this failure to pay the providers is unfair, particularly at a time when COVID-19 has left many New Yorkers struggling financially. In addition, this will negatively affect the children who depend on the services of the providers.


Rabbi Yissacher Frand’s Shiur at Y.I. of Midwood


Rabbi Yissacher Frand’s weekly shiur on the  parashah, Halachah, and hashkafah will be shown each Thursday night at the Young Israel of Midwood, 1694 Ocean Avenue, beginning at 9 P.M., for those who wish to view a video of the shiur (with other people) in real time.


Thursday Night Mishmar at Agudah of Madison 

The Thursday night Mishmar program, which was disrupted  last March due to the  outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, has finally resumed.  The new season has begun at Rabbi Yisroel Reisman’s shul, the Agudah of Madison. The meeting, which allows men to learn live (not virtually), begins with the first Maariv minyan at 10 P.M., followed by study b’chavrusa of Mesechta Tamid at 10:20. Rabbi Reisman will also deliver a shiur on the tractate at 11:20, followed by the second Maariv minyan at 11:45, as well as a shiur on the Tanach sefer Divrei Hayomim Beis at 12.

Chasdei Lev delivering food packages to teachers and rebbein in Brooklyn.


The Census came to the office of the JCCMP today. They will be coming next  week as well, and possibly the week after. 


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