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Community Highlights 

JCCMP Employment Assistance

The Jewish Community Council of Marine Park offers assistance in resume writing and job placement for residents of Marine Park, Flatbush, Midwood, and Mill Basin with a network of dedicated professionals. Every week, the JCCMP emails a list of 20 to 30 current jobs available in a variety of fields. To get these emails, send your request to info@jccmp.org

Rabbi Fischel Schachter’s Parashah Shiur

Kahal Leib Avraham, under the guidance of Rabbi Avrohom Weinfeld, invites the public to a unique and illuminating shiur on the parashah delivered  during Rabbi Fischel Schachter shiur on Thursday nights at 8:30 P.M. In addition to the ruchnius treat, attendees can enjoy cholent and more, courtesy of Deli 52.

Support Group for Mothers and Grandmothers of Alienated Children

If you are being deprived of seeing your own children or grandchildren, or if a family member, therapist, or mentor is influencing your children against you, you are not alone. There is a special support group for mothers and grandmothers of alienated children. Broken Ties is a division of AGA (Alienated Grandparents Anonymous) and is rabbinically endorsed. For more details, or to inquire about upcoming events, please call (518) 941-6316 or email BrokenTies3@gmail.com

State Senator Felder Sponsors Bill to Help Widow of Judge Noach Dear

A special bill sponsored by State Senator Simcha Felder has passed both the New York State Assembly and Senate. The bill will allow the widow of State Supreme Court Judge Noach Dear, of blessed memory, the chance to file a new service application with the New York State and local employees’ retirement system on behalf of her deceased husband, entitling her to the retirement benefits her husband would have received had he applied for retirement prior to his unexpected passing at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

New Legal Motion to Stop Traditional Kapparos

The Alliance to End Chickens as Kapparos is once again urging New York State courts to outlaw  the traditional pre-Yom Kippur practices of kapparos. This year they have a new angle to their fight citing that the additional risk of a viral spread of COVID-19  at areas where live chickens are handled directly by customers poses a threat to the general public. Agudath Israel of America in a statement called it “unfortunate” that the opponents of the practice are continuing their legal fight against kapparos. “They now want to use the current health crisis to resurrect their case and further their agenda,” read a statement from the organization. “We are hopeful that their latest motion will also be dismissed by the court as spurious, as were the previous motions.”

Strong Need for Blood Donations 

Every three seconds someone needs blood, yet less than five percent of the population donates blood. Donors are needed daily for the thousands of patients who require blood transfusions, and a single donation can help up to five patients. The need for blood always exceeds the available supply, so you can be sure that your donation is vital. If you wish to donate, please visit Maimonides Blood Donor Center, located at 4801 Tenth Avenue, Administration Building, third floor. No appointment is necessary for whole blood donations, and courtesy parking is available. To find out what documents you need to bring, please call (718) 283-7657. 

Yeshiva Bais Hillel Moves to Yeshiva Torah Temimah Beis Midrash

Yeshiva Bais Hillel, located between Flatbush and Boro Park, is pleased to announce that it will move into the beis medrash of the Yeshiva Torah Temimah building on Ocean Parkway, according to its Rosh Yeshivah Rabbi Aryeh Leib Zell. The kol Torah of the Bais Hillel talmidim will also enhance the atmosphere of their gracious host, Yeshiva Torah Temimah, whose students will be in close proximity to the bnei Torah who will now be learning in their building each day.

Mazal tov to Amar’e Stoudemire on his conversion to Judaism! Your story is an inspiration to so many around the world. Amar’e Stoudemire is shown here in this photo with Councilman Chaim Deutsch, who is standing on a chair.

Bar mitzvah boy posing for pictures on Eastern Parkway.

New Rebbe of Sadigur in Israel, age 24.

The JCCMP distributed hundreds of briefcases and toys to children in the community on Sunday, August 30. Thank you to all our volunteers for making this possible. 

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