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Thousands to Attend Dirshu World Siyumim 

Millions of dafim will be read, countless questions will be answered, and endless hours of ameilus and dedication will all culminate at the world siyumim held in seven locations across the globe. Two of those locations will serve North American participants at the Prudential Center and the NJPAC in Newark, NJ on Sunday, February 9. Over 25,000 lomdim immersed themselves in the world of Gemara with the Dirshu system of accountability, which ensures that they retain the knowledge they acquire. Gedolei Yisrael, Rabbanim, family members of the Dirshu lomed, and Yidden from all walks of life will join in the uplifting celebration of ameilus b’Torah. Other Dirshu world siyum locations will be in Eretz Yisrael, France, South Africa, England, North America, and to be announced in South America and Eastern Europe. Join them  in the moment and be inspired forever.

Dirshu Holds Siyum at Home of Rav Chaim Kanievsky, Shlita

Senior Gedolei Yisrael  including  Rav Berel Povarsky, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Ponovezh, the Vizhnitzer Rebbe, shlita, Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Ateres Yisrael, the Sanzer Rebbe, Rav Dovid Cohen, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Chevron and the Modzhitzer Rebbe, shlita, participated in a siyum on Daf Yomi Bavli, Masechta Middos and on Daf Yomi B’Halacha, Chelek Daled of Mishnah Berurah at the home of Rav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita. The siyum  was divided into two parts. Dirshu’s nesius gathered at Rav Chaim’s house in the evening where the Vizhnitzer Rebbe, Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi, the Sanzer Rebbe and Rav Dovid Hofstedter gave addresses. Rav Chaim, who was not feeling well, asked that the mamad continue in his house without him and asked the leaders of Dirshu to return to his home the next morning after vasikin davening. He also sent his son, Rav Yitzchok Shaul Kanievsky, with a letter that was read publicly at the maamad. Rav Chaim concluded with a heartfelt brachah to all of the learners who will be making a siyum and whose accomplishments will be celebrated and hailed at the upcoming world siyumim.

Deadline for Project Witness Interschool She’eirish Hapleitah Competition 

Project Witness announces its second annual interschool competition on the theme of “She’eirish Hapleitah”  – those who survived Churban Europe –  for high school students in Jewish schools in the United States. The theme of this year’s competition is “Building a World after War: The Untold Story of the Survivors.”  Entries can be submitted by students in any of the following categories: art, craft, literature, music, or multimedia. Deadline for submission will be December 19, and awards will be given at an Asarah B’Teves program in Brooklyn on January 7. Winning submissions will receive generous cash prizes. 

Mayor de Blasio Joins Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Opening of New BPJCC Social Service Center

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio highlighted the inauguration of the new Boro Park Jewish Community Council’s Social Service Center by joining the ribbon cutting ceremony. Along with Rabbi Avi Greenstein, director of the BPJCC, the Mayor presented a much-deserved Community Leadership Award to Councilman Kalman Yeger for his efforts in making the new Social Service Center possible. Among other elected officials who spoke at the upbeat event were Assemblymen Simcha Eichenstein, Simcha Felder, and David Weprin; Councilman Brad Lander; and Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams.

Mirrer Yeshiva Dinner to Honor the Legacies of 

Rabbi Boruch Greisman and Rebbetzin Rochel Brudny

This year’s annual dinner for the Mirrer Yeshiva in Flatbush is to be held at The Palace on Sunday, December 15. The event will honor the life and legacy of the illustrious talmid of 70 years, Rabbi Boruch Greisman, zt”l, and is also dedicated to the memory of Rebbetzin Rochel Brudny, a”h, the devoted wife of Rav Shmuel Brudny, zt”l. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lichtenstein and Mr. and Mrs. Sony Kechek will also be honored as parents of the year. 

Chai Lifeline Annual Gala Hosts “An Evening for the KIDS”

Chai Lifeline, since its establishment in 1987, has always focused on the guiding principles that seriously ill children need and deserve as happy and normal a childhood as possible, that illness effects each member of the family, that the well-being of an ill child is impacted by the well-being of his or her entire family, and that pediatric illness can have a devastating financial effect on the family. Therefore, with the many services that Chai Lifeline has since developed to help seriously ill children and their families, there are never any costs for the family. This year’s annual gala will be held on December 9 with the theme  of “An Evening for the KIDS.” Guests of honor are Shimmy and Layala Bertram. Other honorees include Dr. Eddie Simpser (Maimonides Medical Achievement Award), Sara and Zachary Perl (Young Builders Award), and Dr. Effie Kupferstein and Devorah Goldberg-Kupferstein (Camp Simcha Appreciation Award).

Simcha Felder Co-Sponsors Bill Opposing Unregulated Robocalls

State Senator Simcha Felder has a solution for the annoying robocalls that have become a common scourge in New York. Senator Felder is co-sponsoring legislation to combat the rampant problem of robocalls. It prohibits any person or entity from generating robocalls to any telephone number owned by a New Yorker without prior consent and requires telephone companies to provide New York consumers with free call-blocking technology. Nationwide, robocalls topped over 47 billion in 2018. Consumer Reports estimates that 40 percent of robocalls are scams that generate more than $350 million in annual losses. “Taken all together, this bill is the toughest action taken by any state in the nation to deal with robocalls. New Yorkers deserve nothing less,” stated Senator Felder.

President Trump Lunches with Orthodox Jews at recent Re-Election Fundraiser

U.S. President Donald Trump, who relocated the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, was honored by more than 100 Orthodox Jews at a major political fundraiser in a Manhattan hotel last month. The event was orchestrated by philanthropist Louis Scheiner for  America First super PAC, a nonprofit organization established in 2017  that supports the policy agendas of President Trump. Both Rabbi Yisroel Reisman and Rabbi Y.Y. Jacobson participated at the luncheon, expressing their appreciation and hopes for the continued success of the 45th President of the United States.

Bikur Cholim Dinner Honors Memory of Yerichem and Rachel Friedman

The 67th awards dinner of the Bikur Cholim Chesed Organization, Guardians of the Sick, will be held at the Ateres Chaya ballroom on Motzoei Shabbos, December 21. The Mesoras Avos Leadership Award honoring the memory of Yerichem and Rachel Friedman, z”l, will be accepted by their children Avi and ZC Fishof. Other honorees will include three doctors from Maimonides Medical Center – Dr. John K. Houten, Dr. Ahmed Saleh, and Dr. Afshin Razi.  

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein and Yehuda Green Highlighted Flatbush Shabbos Project

The Flatbush Shabbat Project attracted hundreds of Jews, both frum and unaffiliated, on Shabbos, Parashas Vayeira. Programs were held Friday night at the Kingsway Jewish Center (Rabbi Etan Tokayer), Shabbos day at the BJX Beis Medrash (Rabbi Yitzchok Fingerer), and shalosh seudos and musical havdalah at the Agudah of Avenue L (Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff). Rabbi Daniel Glatstein spoke at all segments while Yehuda Green provided the musical inspiration.


Hundreds of people gathered to celebrate the 25th Silver
Anniversary of the Rachel’s Children Reclamation
Foundation motzoei Shabbos, November 9, at the Manhattan
Beach Jewish Center, to commemorate the yahrtzeit of
Rachel Imeinu, making it a special night to remember. The
overfl owing crowd of nearly 300 people joined master of
ceremonies, and activist Dr. Paul Brody, and his lovely
wife Drora, as the evening got underway. The national
anthems were sung by chazzan Shea Rubenstein, of the
JCC of Marine Park. Rabbi Yair Hoffman, front-page
columnist for the Five Towns Jewish Times and teacher at
Machon Sara Torah Academy for Girls, was honored with
the Rachel Imeinu Jewish Educator Award. Rabbi David
Ashear was the keynote speaker, regaling the crowd with
stories about his favorite topic, emunah. There was also a
wonderful surprise from Ruben and Cecila Margules, who
brought in superstar singer Gad Elbaz and his producer
Danny Finkelman to introduce their new video, “We are
Rachel’s Children.” Lyrics were written by RCRF founding
director Evelyn Haies, with music composed by the talented
Cecila Margules. City Councilman Chaim Deutsch, who
always comes to support the cause, didn’t disappoint. Also
attending to demonstrate his support was NYPD Captain
Richard Taylor who was on patrol at RCRF’s Yahrtzeit
Commemoration the night before Hurricane Sandy. The
Aishes Chayil Award went to Nava Sivan of the JCC of
Boro Park, and the Rachel Imeinu Chessed Award went to
Allison Chait of Shabbos Brushups. The Rachel’s Children
Reclamation Foundation was formed to save Kever Rochel
from the politicians who wanted to give away Mama
Rachel’s gravesite to the Palestinians, as part of the Oslo Accords. 

At the JCCMP Eldercare Event.

Marine Park’s own Ira (Yitzy) Jablon was promoted

to Special Assignment Lieutenant this month.

Shown with Commissioner James P. O’Neill

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