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Rabbi Y.Y. Jacobson at Kingsway

Rabbi Y.Y. Jacobson was the scholar-in-residence at the Kingsway Jewish Center during Parashas Ki Seitzei to inspire congregants and members of the community in preparation for the Yamim Nora’im. The Shabbos program began with a morning shiur on a maamar – a classic Chassidic text. Rabbi Jacobson’s Shabbos drasha was on the topic of “How Do You Like the People You Love,” followed by a Tanach class in “The Wisdom of King Solomon” and a shalosh seudos talk on “How to Forgive When You Can’t Forget.” The Shabbos event was a project of the Morris Schnabel Adult Education Institute with the help of benefactors Dr. Gary and Judy Abberbock, Arthur and Dr. Leah Gutman, and the Moss Family.

Torah Vodaath Alumni and Faculty

Mark the Yahrzeit of Rav Pam

To mark the 18th yahrzeit of Rav Avrohom Yaakov HaKohen Pam, zt”l, the legendary Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, dozens of his talmidim, many who today are prominent Rabbanim and roshei yeshivah, came to to visit his kever in the Mount Judah Cemetery in Ridgewood, Queens.

Kollel of Flatbush Hachnasas Sefer Torah  

To mark its third year of existence, the Kollel of Flatbush celebrated a hachnasas sefer Torah with the last letters being written in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Refoel Weiss last month.

Rabbi Yissocher Frand at Annual Pre-Yom Kippur Kinus

This year marks the 30th year that the Young Israel of Flatbush will host the Just One Life kinus that is held before Yom Kippur. The theme of teshuvah will be highlighted by the inspiring talk of the world-renowned author and marbitz Torah – Rabbi Yissocher Frand, Rosh Yeshivah of Ner Israel in Baltimore. The proceeds from the sale of tickets will help the Just One Life (Nefesh Achat B’Yisroel) that helps save thousands of Jewish children in Eretz Yisrael. 

Ticket Sales Available for 

The Siyum at the Metlife Stadium

As the Jewish world prepares to celebrate the seven and a half year completion of the Daf Yomi program that concludes on January 1, 2020, the Agudath Israel of America has organized an impressive celebration of the siyum at the Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ where the New York Giants and New York Jets football teams play. Ninety thousand Yidden from across North America are expected to show up for an incredible program with leading Rabbanim from around the world participating. Tickets are still available by clicking thesiyum.org or calling (877)-SIYUM-13.

JCCMP Sunday Girls Club Begins Nov. 10

The JCCMP (Jewish Community Council of Marine Park) is once again offering parents in our community the opportunity to provide their daughters (kindergarten through fifth grade) and girls and boys of nursery age with an unforgettable Sunday program at the Kingsway Jewish Center from November 10th through February 2nd during the hours of 10:15 A.M. – 1:15 P.M. Program includes gymnastics, free swimming, food decor, and crafting. Drink and snacks will be included. The early bird special is $399 and ends on  October 11th. For more details please call Mendy or Ita at (718) 407-1832.

Community Mourns the Petirah

of Rav Elimelech Bluth, zt”l

Klal Yisrael, and the Brooklyn community in particular, were saddened to learn last month of the petirah of Harav Elimelech Bluth, mora d’asra of Khal Ahavas Achim in Kensington and one of the last links to the legendary Torah Gadol – Harav Hagoan Moshe Feinstein, zt”l.  Rav Bluth also served as Rav and posek for Women’s League, Chai Lifeline, and Camp Simcha.

Rabbi Leibel Groner Comes to Flatbush To Participate in Chai Elul FarbrengenThe highlight of last month’s Chai Elul farbrengen at the Baal Shem Tov Library on Avenue J in Flatbush was the unique participation of Rabbi Leibel Groner, the longtime gabbai of the late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, z”ya. The event, which marked the Flatbush siyum of the classic Chabad sefer HaTanya and the start of a new study cycle of Shaar Hayichud, was open to both men and women. Chai Elul is an important date in the Jewish calendar as it marks the birth of the holy Baal Shem Tov 321 years ago in 1698, founder of the world-wide Chassidic movement.

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