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Community Highlights Column for September 2018

By Daniel Keren



While most people do not look forward to the end of summer time, the JCC of Marine Park together with Plaza Auto Mall helped ease the transition from easy-going long days to the return of school by hosting their annual Back to School Street Fair on Sunday, August 26.  This year the event took place at a new location on  Avenue N between East 29 Street and Nostrand Ave.  Thanks to generous sponsorship by Plaza Auto Mall, which helped cohosted the event, over 1400 people showed up and had the opportunity to enjoy  an Uncle Moishy concert, rides, games,  live music, popcorn, cotton candy,  and face-painting.  Hundreds of kids and parents alike were thrilled to receive knapsacks filled with necessary school supplies making them eager to attend their first day of school. Even free ID cards were distributed. Many elected local politicians also came out to show their support and speak to the crowd including Senator Marty Golden, Senator Roxanne Persaud, Councilman Chaim Deutsch, Councilman Kalman Yeger, NYC Comptroller Eric Adams, and Assemblywoman Rodneyse Bichotte.



Important Primary and General Elections

To Determine Future of Our Community

This coming autumn will be highlighted by important elections that will determine the future of our community for many years to come and it is absolutely vital that we come out in force to let those in power know that we take our right to vote as an important civic duty and that our elected officials don’t take us for granted. The Primary Election to determine Party Candidates to run in the General Election is Thursday, September 13th. Normally elections are held on Tuesday, but since Rosh Hashana this year falls on September 11th, the primary election has been pushed ahead to Thursday. The General Election in which voters will have the chance to vote for a U.S. Senator, Congress member, Governor, and State Legislators is scheduled for Tuesday, November 6th. You can’t vote unless you are registered and the deadline for the General Election is October 12th. To learn how to register please call the Board of Elections at (718) 797-8800 or click www.vote.nyc


Rabbi Yissocher Frand Comes to Brooklyn

For Annual Teshuva Kinus on Sept. 16th

As you read this column and the rest of the Jewish Echo magazine during these last days of Elul one realizes that the Yom Hadin is just around the corner, marking the start of the Ten Days of Teshuva. For 29 years, Rabbi Yissochar Frand, world renowned Marbitz Torah has come to the Young Israel of Flatbush to participate in Annual Pre-Yom Kippur Teshuva Kinus that the Just One Life – Nefesh Achat B’Yisrael organization (the movement to save Jewish Children in Eretz Yisroel) has organized at the Young Israel of Flatbush, corner of Avenue I and Coney Island Avenue. The inspiring event this year will be held on Sunday, September 16th at 8 P.M. To order seats please call (212) 683-6040 or join the line for whatever few seats are still available.


Community Mourns the Loss of Rebbetzin

Sheila Feinstein

Rebbetzin Sheila Feinstein, a”h, devoted wife of Rabbi Reuven Feinstein, Rosh Hayeshiva of the Yeshiva of Staten Island for more than a half century passed away early last month following a tragic auto accident that has thrown our community into mourning. The daughter-in-law of Rav Moshe Feinstein, Rebbetzin Feinstein, she helped support her husband in learning by teaching and later serving as a principal in a public school, won the respect of both her students and their parent – both Jewish and non-Jewish. She later used her pedagogical skills in both Yeshiva Shaarei Torah of Flatbush and Mesivta Yeshiva Tifereth Yerushalayim. Rebbetzin Feinstein greatly assisted her husband in establishing the Yeshiva of Staten Island.


Yosef Kanofsky Appointed to NYS Education Dept.

CAP and Mandated Services Working Group

In recognition of his valuable service as Director of the Orthodox Union’s Government Programs for Teach NYS, Mr. Yosef Kanofsky was recently named to serve on the New York State Education Department’s CAP and Mandated Services Working group that was created to assist the NYS Dept. of Education to understand the needs of the many nonpublic schools. In accepting his appointment, Mr. Kanofsky declared “There is no question that our work on these programs with our member schools, both from the policy angle and the application side, will bring a new vantage to continue helping all nonpublic schools.”


Chasdei Lev Volunteers Prepare and Deliver Yom

Tov Packages for Hundreds of Dedicated Mechanchim

Chasdei Lev has for the past few years carried out it’s mission to give back to our rabbeim, teachers, and their families in appreciation for their tremendous devotion to our children.Partnering with yeshivos, manufacturers, and distributors Chasdei Lev has just delivered tens of thousands of cases of food packages to provide rabbeim with food and household necessities for the Tishrei Yom Tov in a dignified and respectful manner. Chasdei Lev’s mission is to ensure that the Rebbeim of our communities are able to go into Yom Tov with peace of mind. Yom Tov on any budget is expensive. But for Rebbeim with large families and on a typical Rebbe’s salary. Hundreds of enthusiastic supporters helped pack the cases and deliver them to hundreds of grateful mechanchim in Brooklyn and Far Rockaway, Lakewood and Monsey. The next Chasdei Lev delivery will be in time for Pesach 5779 unless Moshiach comes first and we all celebrate the Yom Tov in Yerushalayim with the Third and Eternal Bais Hamikdosh.


Thousands Come Celebrate of the Annual

Seudas Hodaah of the Skulener Rebbe

It was 59 years ago (1959) that in the face on international pressure, the previous Skulener Rebbe, zy”a and ybl”c, his son the current Skulener Rebbe, shlita were liberated from torturous prison in Romania and the very real prospect of execution by the Communist regime. The Annual seudas hodaah Melava Malkah marking their liberation was recently held at The Palace on McDonald Avenue and attracted thousands of devoted admirers who packed the simcha hall with much inspiring singing.

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