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Community Highlights  

Daniel Keren


The Cheder Annual Dinner  

The 28th anniversary dinner of The Cheder, Yeshiva and Mesivta Sholom Shachna,  is scheduled for Sunday, Frebruary 7 at a location to be announced. The honorees include Mr. and Mrs. Noach Schon, guests of honor; Mr. and Mrs. Boruch Goldbaum, Bonei Torah awardees; and Rav and Rebbetzin Yitzhak Yisraeli, Kesser Torah Awardees. A special memorial tribute will be made for Mrs. Feige Aryeh, a”h.  


NYPD and Shomrim Looking for Flatbush Shul Vandalizer


On Shabbos Parashas Vayigash, between 12:20 A.M. and 1:30 A.M., a man allegedly wrote derogatory anti-Semitic phrases at Young Israel of Midwood, the Bostoner shul, Rabbi Weinfeld’s shul, and Rabbi Kahn’s shul. The suspect is being sought by the New York Police Department and is described as a male with a light complexion, medium build, black mustache and facial hair, last seen wearing a blue hooded sweatshirt, a black jacket, blue jeans, and black sneakers. The incidents are being actively investigated by the NYPD’s Hate Crimes Task Force. The Flatbush Shomrim has assisted the NYPD in retrieving security camera footage from the desecrated shuls. If you have any information that can lead to an arrest, please call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers hotline at (800) 577-8477 and then call Flatbush Shomrim at (718) 338-9797.


Irgun Shiurai Torah’s Annual Shovavim Project


Irgun Shiurai Torah has for many years orchestrated hundreds of Shovavim shiurim throughout the world on the important topic of taharas hamishpacha for married men and women during the Shabbos Parashos of Shemos through Mishpatim. The Flatbush Shovavim classes are taught by the Bostoner Rebbe, Rabbi Yitzchok Steinwurzel, Rabbi Yonason B. Katz, Rabbi Pinchas Frankel, Rabbi Yehuda Scheinkopf, and Rabbi Ezra Rodkin. In Marine Park the classes are taught by Rabbi Tzvi Elimelech Rokeach, Rebbetzin Rokeach (for women), Rabbi Yechezkel Eichenstein, Rabbi Benzion Schiffenbauer, and Rabbi Yosef Sekula.


Chesed Center Donation Drive Prepares for Pesach


Believe it or not, Pesach is less than two months away. COVID-19 pandemic or not, it is still an obligation to clean one’s house in preparation for this wonderful Yom Tov. Unfortunately, instead of donating items to benefit others, many just  throw away unneeded odds and ends like clothing, shoes, toys, housewares, electronics, and various household  objects.  The Chesed Donation Center picks up all your unwanted clothing and houseware items and distributes them to local gemachs within our community, transforming the clutter sitting in your house into a necessity for someone else. More than 6,000 families benefit from the Chesed Center.  


Mesivta Tifereth Jerusalem and Yeshiva of Staten Island Dinner  


The Mesivta Tifereth Jerusalem and Yeshiva of Staten Island annual dinner is slated for Wednesday, February 10. The evening will include a special tribute film for Rav Dovid Feinstein, zt”l, who served as Rosh Yeshivah of the Lower East Side yeshivah and whose psakim, humility, and chessed inspired thousands of Jews outside of the yeshivah community. Among the honorees are Rabbi Nosson Scherman, Rabbeinu Moshe Feinstein award; Mr. Jack Forgash, Zichron Rabbeinu Moshe Feinstein chessed award; the Rebbetzin Shima Feinstein award presented in memory of Mrs. Keila (Miller) Blank, a”h; the Torah Heritage award presented in memory of the Hon. Noach Dear, z”l; and the special memorial tribute to Rav  Gershon Weiss, zt”l, legendary menahel ruchani of the Yeshiva of Staten Island.


Senator Simcha Felder Offers Valuable Advice to Senior Citizens


State Senator Simcha Felder (17th District – Brooklyn) offers valuable advice to seniors citizens. Perhaps you qualify for some of these valuable programs. (1) STAR/Enhanced STAR is available to homeowners; 65 and over can double the value of their existing STAR exemption. Income limit is $86,300. The deadline to apply this year is March 15. (2) The Senior Citizen Homeowner Exemption (SCHE) allows homeowners 65 and over with the opportunity to save up to 50% on their property tax if you have an income limit of $58,400. The deadline is also March 15. (3) The SCRIE is program that protects seniors age 62 and over from rent increases on their rent controlled/stabilized apartments. You can apply when your lease comes up for renewal. Call your state senator for eligibility information. (4) The Senior MetroCard offers riders 65 or older the option to pay half-fare on Metro buses and subways. Mail-in applications are available in the constituent offices of all your elected local and state officials.


Monoclonal Antibodies and Covid-19

The COVID-19 Plasma Initiative wants the general public to know of a potentially life-saving option if you test positive or are exposed to someone else with COVID-19. Monoclonal antibodies have been shown to significantly reduce symptoms and hospitalizations for people with mild to moderate symptoms. If you were exposed or have symptoms, don’t wait. Get tested and take action now. Monoclonal antibodies are lab manufactured antibodies to combat COVID-19 and is FDA authorized via IV infusion in an outpatient setting.  If given within a few days of onset of the disease, it can help cure and avoid hospitalization. Who qualifies? High risk patients within first days of positive test; individuals over age 65; any age with obesity, diabetes, or immunosuppressive disease; and individuals over age 55 with cardiovascular disease and hypertension.  



(Top) HaRav Noach Isaac Oelbaum affixes the mezuzah with R’ Yaniv Meirov at the new CHAZAQ and Met Council ‘Lev Aaron food pantry’ in Kew Gardens Hills, Queens. (Bottom) Also pictured are David Meirov, Lior Kleinman, and Avi Cyperstein. Photo credit: Israel Peskowitz.

Chazaq And Met Council Inaugurate New Lev Aharon Community Food Pantry In Queens.


HaRav Yitzchok Scheiner, zt”l meeting with Rav Dovid Hofstedter over the years as well as attending various Dirshu and Acheinu events.


HaRav Dovid Soloveitchik, zt”l meeting with Rav Dovid Hofstedter over the years.


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