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Every year before Pesach, the JCCMP together with hundreds of volunteers

and some local officials, gather to pack boxes of much needed holiday

basics for 200 plus needy families from the area. This year because of the

COVID-19 outbreak, families have been struggling more than ever before

and were relying on us to help them make a normal holiday for their loved

ones despite all the uncertainly. Due to the pandemic, the distribution

was moved a week earlier, and took place on Sunday, March 22 from 2

to 5 P.M. Provisions had to be made to adhere to CDC guidelines and this

year’s distribution was held outdoors at the Met Council warehouse as

the 20 volunteers worked far apart from each other while wearing masks

and gloves. Each family received five boxes of food, including a case of

grape juice, fruits, vegetables, and dry goods. The boxes were delivered

to each family by volunteer drivers in a most discreet manner. This event

was made possible thanks to efforts made by the UJA-Federation of New

York, Councilmen Chaim Deutsch, Alan Maisel, and Kalman Yeger

as well as CEO of Met Council David Greenfield. A special thank you

goes out to Menucha Worcman for tirelessly coordinating the event as

well as Ben Zaintz and Jessica Chait, for their continued support of this tremendous program. Thank you to all our dedicated volunteers!

JCCMP Blood Drive at the Ohel Jaffa Family Campus

The Jewish Community Council of Marine Parkin, in conjunction with Maimonides Medical Center, organized a life saving urgent appeal for blood at the Ohel Jaffa Family Campus to make sure that there is a supply of safe blood for members of our community. The blood drive was dedicated to the memory of Arnold Jablon, the father of Douglas Jablon, special assistant to the president of the Maimonides Medical Center. Those who attended were given refreshments and a free gift.

Rabbi Sholom Rubashkin and Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz Highlight Shuvu Dinner

Last month, supporters of Shuvu Chazon Avrahom held their annual melaveh malkah at The Palace to raise money  for the new educational campus located  in the Israeli city of Chadera. The organization was founded in 1991 by Rabbi Avrohom Pam, zt”l, Rosh Yeshivah of Torah Vodaath, who wanted to create a network of Torah schools in Israel for the thousands of children streaming into Eretz Yisrael from the former Soviet Union. The melaveh malkah was dedicated to the beis medrash dedication in memory of Rav Yacov Halevi Lipschutz, zt”l the father of Yated publisher Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz. Both Rabbi Lipschutz and Rabbi Sholom Rubashkin spoke at the ceremony. Other dedications were held in memory of Dovid Pressman, zt”l; Rav Avrohom Yosef Leizerson, zt”l chairman of Chinuch Atzmai; and Rav Mordechai Neustadt, zt”l, founding Shuvu board member and chairman of Vaad L’Hatzolas Nidchei Yisroel.

Agudah of America Visits State Legislators in Albany

In February, a delegation of Agudath of America activists took time from their busy schedule to make a special trip to Albany and meet with 25 members of the New York State Senate and Assembly and high-ranking members of Governor Cuomo’s staff. Having a large group representing the Agudah’s constituency is crucial in demonstrating that the group represents a broad constituency.  Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Agudah director of New York government relations, spends significant time in Albany lobbying legislators throughout the year. Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, executive vice president of the Agudah, said “Trips up to Albany are extremely valuable. If you are not seen and, on the scene, then it becomes a lot harder to do the work we have to do.”

Makor Disabilities Services Hope to Host Dinner in Honor of Motty Waisbrod

If the current coronavirus is under control by the end of this month, Makor Disability Services will holds its annual dinner at The Palace on Sunday, May 3, honoring Motty Waisbrod as guest of honor. Other honorees will include Rabbi Menachem Penner on behalf of Yeshiva University, Shimon and Miriam Feuer, and Joel Lieberman. A special memorial tribute will be held in honor of Rabbi Elimelech Bluth, zt”l. Makor Disability Services of the Women’s League Community Residences is dedicated to meeting the needs of individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities.

Dirshu asked the great gaon and tzaddik, Rav Shimon Galei, shlita, for

words of chizuk and guidance during these uncertain times. Rav Galei,

in his warm and powerful way, imparted much chizuk and guidance

so that his words would be publicizedto all lomdei Torah, wherever they may be. 

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