Pre-Purim Event for Frum Singles Helps
Raise Funds for Project Machal
A unique Annual Pre-Purim Blast for frum singles, ages 30-45 was coordinated by Baila Sebrow Events, LLC in conjunction with the Jewish Community Council (JCC) of Marine Park to benefit Project Machal l’zecher nishmas Dovid Shmuel ben Yosef Mordechai, z”l. Admission was $36 and allowed participants to meet other singles while enjoying a smorgasbord of delicacies, a wine bar, a chance to win raffles and other fun prizes along with musical entertainment and a chance to speak with dedicated shadchanim and facilitators.
Project Machal, the flagship program of the JCC of Marine Park, helps families with their most basic physical need, food, while preserving their most basic emotional need — their dignity. The JCC of Marine Park created Project Machal, an innovative program in which families who cannot afford groceries receive a weekly credit towards purchases at their local grocery store. Families who wish to receive Project Machal need to contact one of the 14 local Rabbanim who certifies their eligibility, and sets up the account with one of the local grocery stores using only their phone number (not their name). Each week, $50 is credited to their account so they can prioritize their shopping lists and buy what their family needs most. For less than a $1 a day, one can make the difference in providing a family with the basic foods they need. For less than $1 a day, a family can remain intact until they are able to become self-sufficient. To learn more about Project Machal or to contribute to families in need, please contact Project Machal at 718-407-1832 or at
At the JCCMP Pre-Purim Singles Event.
Community Mourns the Petirah of Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Schwartz, Z”L
The Flatbush community mourned the passing of Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Schwartz, z”l, former Rav of Congregation Sfard of Flatbush, a historic shul on Coney Island. He was appreciated for having devoted great dedication to the small and diverse congregation, where he delivered shiurim in both Halachah and Aggadah. Each Shabbos morning, at Kiddush, Rabbi Schwartz would offer inspiring divrei Torah and lead niggunim, imparting an authentic “Yiddishe taam” to the weekly event.
President Trump Signs Bill that Includes Offering FEMA Assistance to Religious Houses of Worship
Congress passed a bill signed into law by President Trump that now requires the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to stop excluding religious houses of worship and many religious educational facilities from receiving grants to repair damages caused by natural disasters such as recent Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma. In 2012, a similar effort in the aftermath of Super Storm Sandy passed the House of Representatives, but was stalled in the U.S. Senate when it became apparent that Obama administration was against offering FEMA aid to houses of worship. Rabbi Abba Cohen, Vice President for Federal Affairs and Washington Director of Agudath Israel of America, said that the new law not only provides much-needed funding to affected institutions, but sends a welcome message regarding the role of religious organizations.
Councilman Deutsch and “Grow Brooklyn” Offers Eligible Residents Free Tax Preparation Services
You have until April 17th this year to submit your tax returns. City Councilman Chaim Deutsch in partnership with “Grow Brooklyn,” a nonprofit organization, is once again offering free tax preparation services for eligible residents at his district office every Sunday until April 15th (excluding April 1st – second day of the Pesach Yom Tov). Constituents are eligible if their income is under $54,000 (with dependents) or under $25,000 (single), or if you are self-employed and have expenses of $5,000 or less. To make an appointment please call (718) 368-9176.
Councilman Yeger Offers Budget Training For New Non-Profit Organizations
City Councilman Kalman Yeger invited new non-profit community organizations to benefit from a special budget training session at the Boro Park YM-YWHA to better learn how of submit applications for city funding. Councilman Yeger explained, “The City Council’s budget process can be very complicated. The groups that will get the most out of this session are the ones who haven’t received discretionary funding yet. My office wants to make sure those groups know how to qualify and apply.” While there is no guarantee that those non-profit organizations will actually receive future funding, their attendance helped Councilman Yeger to better understand each group’s specific needs and mission goals.
At the Shuvu dinner, Motzai Shabbos March 10.
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