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Mussar Movement Expands to Nearby Communities

A group of bnei Torah are seeking spiritual growth by gathering once a week to learn mussar together in chevrusas and chaburas. Starting its third year, the program known as Beis Hamussar Rov Yosef Yozel, meets in Flatbush on Tuesday nights at 8:30 P.M. at Kollel Bnei Torah, 1323 East 32nd Street; Sheepshead Bay on Mondays at Mishkan Yerushalayim, 333 Avenue X at 9:20 P.M.; and Mill Basin on Thursdays at 8:30 P.M. at The Shul, 2436 East 63rd Street. Similar groups meet once a week at shuls in Woodmere, Monsey, Passaic, and Deal. For more details email Rabbi Reuvein Schart at reuvein@yahoo.com or call (718) 669-8189.

The Shabbat Project to be Celebrated on Parashas Vayeira

It was back in 2013 that Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein, the Chief Rabbi of South Africa, came up with the idea to invite all South African Jews, regardless of religious affiliation, to join together for one special Shabbos and keep the holy day by lighting candles, making Kiddush, enjoying the festive meals, and refraining from doing work or shopping. The response was amazing and videos of Havdalah ceremonies and Motzei Shabbos concerts inspired other communities around the world to join the cause the following year. Last year, more than a million Jews in 101 countries or territories comprising more than 1,500 cities registered for The Shabbat Project. This year, the Shabbat Project will be celebrated on Parashas Vayeira, November 15-16. One of the aims is for Shabbos observers to make a special point of inviting less affiliated family members, friends, neighbors, or colleagues from work or school to join for a meal or even the entire Shabbos. Undoubtedly, the magic from the unity of this special Shabbos can hasten the long-awaited geulah.

Jewish Leaders Join NYPD and Elected Officers to Discuss 

Increase of Anti-Semitic Attacks

Ironically, despite a two plus centuries tradition of a constitutional protection for religious freedom and America’s long tradition of being a haven from persecution, Jews have been shaken by the deadly anti-Semitic attacks in the last year in Pittsburgh and Poway, California, as well as a dramatic spike in recent and local attacks on Jews in Williamsburg, Crown Heights, and Boro Park. Just prior to Rosh Hashanah, a special security meeting was held at the OHEL building in Flatbush that brought together distinguished local rabbis, community and shul leaders, along with top-ranking NYPD officials and elected and appointed officials.   Councilman Chaim Deutsch declared, “This hate needs to stop. We cannot go on like this. Our community is being targeted and this needs to stop.” Various options were discussed at the meeting.

Agudath Israel Orchestrates Yarchei Kallah

Prior to the Major Siyum Celebration

If you want to join hundreds of fellow Jews from out-of-state coming to attend The Siyum or 13th Global Siyum HaShas celebration from the completion of the Daf Yomi at the MetLife Stadium, the organizers of the event, the Agudath Israel of America, are expanding the experience by offering a Yarchei Kallah (December 30th – January 1st) for three days and two nights at the Hilton Parsippany. The sugya to be delved in to is Amira L’Akum – Misacher v’askim b’Shabbat with dedicated halachah tracks for health care management and real estate principals. The Yarchei Kallah will culminate in a gala seudas mitzvah with hundreds of participants enjoying music and dancing l’kavod Torah. For more details email yarcheikallah@thesiyum.org or call (732) 228-4458.

OHEL to Honor Susan and David

Mandel and Meridian Capital Group

At 50th Annual Gala at Marriot Marquis

1969 is famous for the year that Neil Armstrong made the first walk on the surface of the Moon, but it is also important as the year that OHEL Family Serves was first established. Since then, the Jewish non-profit organization has grown to become the go to place for pioneering outpatient and residential services for Jewish children and adults with disabilities. It also is a top-ranked foster care servicer for Jewish children removed from homes of neglect or abuse, as well as an institution that offers comprehensive eldercare services for seniors and caregivers. OHEL’s 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner will be held on Sunday, November 24th at the New York Marriott Marquis. Guests of honor will be Meridian Capital Group, and also being honored will be Susan and David Mandel (Leadership Award), Tsippy and Stuart Nussbaum (Nediv Lev Award), and Judith Goldberg-Ness and Dr. Seth Ness (Camp Kaylie Family of the Year Award).

A New Season of Rabbi Reisman’s

Motzei Shabbos Navi Shiurim Begins

For more than a quarter of a century, Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, the mora d’asra of the Agudath Israel of Madison in Flatbush, has delivered his world-renowned Motzei Shabbos Navi Shiurim at Ahi Ezer Congregation, located at the corner of Ocean Parkway and Avenue S for both men and women, free of charge. The lectures are also viewed live in more than a score of communities throughout the North American continent and in England, Eretz Yisrael, and Australia. The new Navi season began October 26th and continues until May 23rd. In November his shiur begins at 8:30 P.M. (Nov. 2nd) and 7:30 P.M until February 1st when it returns to 8 P.M.

Make a Difference in the Life of an 

Elderly Jewish Man and Woman Once a Week

Now that life has returned to normal with the kids resuming their schooling and the completion of the hectic Tishrei festival celebrations, why not make a difference in the life an elderly Jewish man or woman? COJO of Flatbush is looking for volunteers who can devote 45 minutes just once a week to bring light and joy to a lonely Yid. It can be a simple walk around the block or a phone call or a home visit. For more information please call (718) 377-2900, Ext 7633.

Assemblymen Simcha Eichenstein hosts E-Waste event at his district office so people can safely discard  important documents 

 Councilman Chaim Duetsch riding the subway sitting next to a postal worker, thanking him for his hard work and dedication. 

 With flu season here, Mount Sinai NYC and Beth Israel EM are here to the rescue with Boro Park  JCC hosting a free flu shot event. If you didn’t get your flu shot, come to Simcha Felder’s office on Wednesdays for a free shot.  Appointments available at 718-253-2015.

Agudath Israel Siyum Hashas Committee meets with Bukharian and Persian Rabbanim.
A special asifa for Bukharian and Persian Rabbanim in Queens was held at Cong. Od Yosef Chai. Some 40 Rabbanim heard presentations about the 13th Global Siyum Hashas of Daf Yomi.

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