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Hundreds of Women and Girls Participate in JCCMP Challah Bake

Hundreds of women and girls from the community came together last month to enjoy time together and participate in the special mitzvah of hafrashas challah at the JCCMP Mother-Daughter Challah Bake at Kingsway Jewish Center. Mrs. Malkie Knopfler, also known as the Comic Cook and director of her own show, the Malkie Show, headlined the evening with her unique blend of comedy and inspiration as she led the crowd in the hafrashah and a braiding demonstration. Rivky Pavlov of Dance with Raizy directed the enthusiastic dancing that opened the evening and later followed the hafrashah as the attendees celebrated the special mitzvah in which they shared. Singer Cypora Perr, soon to release her first album, showcased her talent to the delight of the crowd. The evening was sponsored in part by BJX, Junees, Hair and Blush, Shibolim, JOWMA, and Centers, all of whom the JCCMP would like to thank. 

Flatbush Mourns the Petirah of Rabbi Shraga Feivel Cohen, Zt”l

The Flatbush community mourns the recent petirah of Rabbi Shraga Feivel Cohen at the age of 85. For many years he served as the Rav of Khal Tomchei Torah on Ocean Avenue. A graduate of Yeshiva Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin where he was greatly influenced by the legendary Rosh Yeshivah – Rav Yitzchak Hutner, Rabbi Cohen was recognized as one of the leading poskim in the United States, especially noted for his major halachic work – Badei Hashulchan, an encyclopedic Mishnah  Berurah type work on the Shulchan Aruch. Among those who highly respected his reputation as a posek hador in America was Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv. In addition to his many decades of leadership of Khal Tomchei Torah, Rabbi Cohen was at times a Rosh Yeshivah of the Yeshiva of Brooklyn beis medrash, and founded with Rav Pinchos Kahn Yeshivas Nachalas Haleviim in East Flatbush. A few years ago, he became rabbi emeritus of Khal Tomchei Torah and retired to Lakewood. The kevura was in Eretz Yisrael.

Mirrer Yeshiva Dinner to Honor 

Memories of Rabbi Moshe Handelsman

and Mr. Morris Setton

The Annual Mirrer Yeshiva Dinner to be held on Sunday, December  11 at The Palace, will remember two prominent pillars of the makom Torah, Rabbi Moshe Handelsman, z”l, and Mr. Morris Setton, z”l, with respectively the Amud HaTorah Memorial Tribute and the Machzik Torah Memorial Tribute. Also being honored at the upcoming dinner is the Persky family. Other honorees include Rabbi Yonatan Admoni with the Rabbinic Alumnus Award; Rabbi Shloime Zalman Ehrentreu with the Harbotzas Torah Award; and Mr. and Mrs. Yoel Brief with the Parents of the Year Award.

Senator Felder Appoints Chief of Staff Judah Wohlgelernter  

State Senator Simcha Felder announced last month the appointment of Judah Wohlgelernter to be his chief of staff following the decision of Ms. Cirel Neumann to step down after 18 years of service in order to spend more time with her family. Mr. Wohlgelernter is coming to his new post after 10 years of experience of working with Senator Felder. 

Councilmember Inna Vernikov Pressures

CUNY to Counter Anti-Semitism

NYC Councilmember Inna Vernikov has won a commitment from CUNY  Chancellor Felix Matos Rodriguez to allocate $750,000 to counter anti-Semitism and other forms of religious or ethnic bigotry. The initiative will include an online portal for the reporting of all anti-Semitic incidents in a standardized fashion. Vernikov blasted CUNY for failing to keep records of the many anti-Semitic incidents reported by Jewish students and faculty members. The abundant diversity and inclusion programs at CUNY have excluded Jews as a protected group until now. In an interview with the New York Post, Vernikov said, “We’ve got a long way to go, and I will not rest until Jewish students and faculty members at CUNY feel safe. I will continue to be a voice that will only get louder and I will continue holding the administration accountable.”

Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky at Agudath Israel of Madison

Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky, Rosh Yeshivah of the Yeshiva of Greater Washington in Silver Spring, Maryland, will be the special guest at Agudath Israel of Madison, under the leadership of Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, on Shabbos, Parashas Vayeishev, December 16 – 17 in conjunction with the shul’s annual melava malkah. A well-known author and lecturer, Rabbi Lopiansky has taught at Aish HaTorah and at the Mir. He was extremely active on behalf Soviet Jewry, travelling to the Soviet Union on numerous occasions and serving on resettlement organizations in Israel that assisted Soviet refuseniks. Rabbi Lopiansky has also taught in the Israeli Army’s Hishtalmut program, which seeks to broaden the perspective of the army’s officer corps by exposing them to the entire gamut of Israeli society. 

Ocean Avenue and Avenue V Co-Named Rabbi Melvin I. Burg Way

The Ocean Avenue and Avenue V intersection has been co-named “Rabbi Melvin I. Burg Way” to honor Rabbi Melvin I. Burg, z”l, who served as Congregation Pri Eitz Chaim’s Morah D’Asrah for nearly 45 years.  In a ceremony made possible and coordinated by Councilwoman Inna Vernikov, family members, congregants, community members, and elected officials came together at the corner of Ocean Avenue and Avenue V to officially unveil the street sign proclaiming the intersection, “Rabbi Melvin I. Burg Way.” The intersection is less than a half a block away from the synagogue. Rabbi Burg passed away last September on the second day of Rosh Hashanah after officiating services on the first day. 

Senator Simcha Felder Honors Linda

Sadacka as New York Women of Distinction

State Senator Simcha Felder honored Flatbush resident Linda Sadacka as one of the 2022 New York State Women of Distinction. She founded Moms on a Mitzvah, a group of volunteer moms that provides direct, personalized support for individuals and families facing a broad array of challenges. Ms. Sadacka has always answered the call to help in myriad ways, providing people with essential needs, such as food, clothing, and social engagement. She is an advocate in the medical arena with the help of her husband Jack, a community physician. Under Ms. Sadacka’s leadership, Moms on a Mitzvah creates life-changing experiences for children and adults with critical illnesses and advances solutions that confront hunger and poverty’s root causes, particularly for populations whose problems were previously overlooked. Ms. Sadacka is a proud wife, mother of six children and a grandmother.


Third Tribeswork Event Inspired Upcoming

Businesses and Non-Profits to Succeed

Hundreds of members of our community took advantage of the recent Third Tribeswork Event at the Hilton Garden Inn in Staten Island. The theme of the day-long networking event focused on how to Start and Scale a Business (both profits and non-profits). Participants benefited from featured speeches and panels with industry leaders. They were also able to engage with key businesses and non-profits mentors and angel investors. Many who attended left convinced that what they heard could result in significant growth for their enterprises.


Israel Ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, visiting the Jewish community of Atlanta, Georgia. The Ambassador was accompanied by Rabbi Pesach Lerner, chairman of Eretz Hakodesh, who initiated the trip, and hosted by Rabbi Ilan Feldman and Rabbi Yitzchok Tendler of Congregation Beth Jacob.

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