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Local Jewish Councilmen Support Increased Security for Houses of Worship

In response to the spike of deadly attacks on houses of worship across the United States and around the world, Councilman Chaim Deutsch and Councilman Kalman Yeager have called upon Mayor Bill de Blasio to fund security measures at synagogues, churches, and mosques around the Big Apple. They prepared a letter signed by a super-majority of city council members that stated, “Here in New York City, a synagogue in Bushwick was vandalized in an anti-Semitic attack in February. Religious items were desecrated and stolen from several different churches in Brooklyn during the last several months.” Councilman Deutsch said at a recent rally on the steps of City Hall, “It is clear that our houses of worship are vulnerable to threats. New Yorkers of faith deserve to be safe as they worship.” Councilman Yeager declared, “Government has certain very basic obligations. The most predominant of all is to keep its citizenry safe. We have to know we will be protected in our houses of worship.”

Flatbush Lag BaOmer Celebrations Attract Thousands of Participants

For those who didn’t travel to Meron to celebrate Lag BaOmer at the kever of Reb Shimon Bar Yochai, there were a number of other good options in  Flatbush. Continuing a tradition of almost four decades, hundreds of men, women and children gathered in front of the Horodenker shul on East 27 Street for the lighting of torches and joyous dancing in honor of the hilulah of Rav Shimon Bar Yochai at the onset of Lag BaOmer on Wednesday night. Another inspiring Lag BaOmer hadlakah took place at the Boston Beis Medrash. The Flatbush Lag BaOmer Parade and Concert was orchestrated on Thursday during the final hours of the joyous day replete with a marching band of local boys and entertainment including music by Shea Rubenstein. Dozens of other kehillos also had smaller but equally lively celebrations.

Lag B Omer at Mayan Yisroel
Shea Rubenstein singing on Lag B Omer at Mayan Yisroel
Ohr Shraga Lag B’Omer Hadlakah

Annual Brunch to Support the Business Halacha Institute

The Business Halacha Institute’s annual brunch held at the Agudas Yisroel of Avenue L was themed “Justice, Served Straight.” The mora d’asra of the shul, Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff, delivered the opening remarks. Rabbi Chaim Kohn, dean of the BHI, spoke about “Din Torah in 2019: State of Affairs.” Mr. Israel Vider, esq., addressed the topic of “Fascinating Analysis,” comparing Bais Din and court. A panel discussion on how to choose a bais din and where courts come in was held. Panelists included Rabbi Chaim Kohn, Rabbi Zev Cohn, Mr. Israel Vider, and Mr. Shragie Goldschmidt, esq.

An Inspiring Evening in Memory of Yisroel Levin, a”h and Elisheva Kaplan, a”h

Last month marked the first yahrtzeit of Yisroel Levin, a”h, and his kallah, Elisheva Basya Kaplan, a”h, whose death at the hand of an irresponsible driver shook the entire Jewish world. Their joined yahrtzeits  were commemorated by an unforgettable evening at Ateres Chynka on the theme of “Creating Foundations of Batay Yisroel is Easier than You Think.” The goal of the gathering was to inspire participants to transform their perspective on redting shidduchim. The event  was emceed by Reb Joel Kaplan,  included personal reflections of Reb Shaya Levin, and uplifting talks by Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff as well as Rabbi Ephraim Eliyahu Shapiro.

Gala Dinner Celebrates a Century of Achievements by Yeshiva Torah Vodaath

Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, a landmark Brooklyn yeshivah and makom Torah   celebrated a century of existence (“100 Years Young”) with a gala dinner at the Brooklyn Marriott. The evening was highlighted by reunions of the classes of 1944-46, 1969, and 1995 and graced by guest speaker Rabbi Reuven Cohen. Guests of honor were the Belsky Family. Rabbi Yitzchok Lichtenstein, the Rosh Yeshivah, delivered a special address outlining the yeshivah’s vision for the next century. A special memorial tribute was presented in memory of Rabbi Yitzchok Fink, z”l, the beloved general studies principal for 36 years.

Bais Yaakov D’Rav Meir Celebrates 75 Years of Education

Bais Yaakov D’Rav Meir, one of Brooklyn’s premiere girls’ schools, marked 75 years of service to our community with its annual dinner at The Palace. Its graduates have contributed to the revitalization of Jewish life in the Metropolitan New York area and hundreds of kehillos in North America and Eretz Yisroel. Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel Feuer were the guests of honor. Also recognized for their contributions to the school were Mr. and Mrs. Avrumi Jacobovits,  and Rabbi and Mrs. Akiva Plutchok.

Hakhel Memorial Day Yarchei Kallah Event  

Hakhel, a Flatbush-based organization promoting Torah-true values in our community, regularly organizes Yarchei Kallah lectures on legal holidays for men and women. This past Memorial Day, Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, mora d’asra of Agudath Israel of Madison, where the event was held, began a series of legal holiday lectures on dvrei hayomim from Tanach. Rabbi Yosef Viener addressed the topic of “Dealing with Nisyonos as a catalyst for Sheleimus,” while Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff offered guidance on the subject of “Visiting Eretz Yisrael: Practical Halachos and Hashkafos.” The program concluded with an audio-visual presentation by Rabbi Yosef Gesser on visiting kivrei tzaddikim and a virtual tour of mekomos hakedoshim in the New York area.

Community Mourns the Petirah Of Rabbi Ezriel Tauber, z”l

The Jewish community mourns the petirah of Rabbi Ezriel Tauber, z”l. A survivor of the Holocaust, a renowned Torah lecturer, and author of more than a dozen hashkafah seforim, Rabbi Tauber devoted his life to rebuilding the Jewish world. Rabbi Tauber became a successful businessman and was a philanthropist of note. Among his achievements was the founding of multiple Torah institutions including Shalheves and the Ohr Somayach branch in Monsey. He pursued numerous other venues spreading awareness of Hashem to the frum community and beyond. May his memory be a blessing for all the many who were privileged to know him.

Harav Ezriel Tauber, z”l

Community Mourns the Petirah of Rabbi Mordechai Neustadt, z”l

The Jewish world mourns the recent petirah of Rabbi Mordechai Neustadt z”l, the founder and director of Vaad L’Hatzolas Nidchei Yisroel, an organization founded prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union to help Jews trapped behind the Iron Curtain. Following the end of the brutal Communist regime, his organization   helped create Jewish schools for children in the Former Soviet Union. Rabbi Neustadt found many ways to inspire the many Jews who immigrated from the FSU to America. May his memory continue to inspire the many who are involved today in Russian Jewry kiruv.

Rabbi Mordechai Neustadt z”l

Ralph Hertzka as Keynote Speaker at JCON Events Real Estate Conference

A major conference will be held on Tuesday, July 9,  at the Dyker Beach Golf Course for those in our community who are engaged in the real estate industry.  Mr. Ralph Hertzka from the Meridian Capital Group will deliver the keynote address at the highly anticipated event. For details on registering, please click jconevents.eventbrite.com.

20th Anniversary Dinner of Yeshiva Ohr Yisroel to Honor Rosh Yeshivah
Yeshiva and Mesivta Ohr Yisroel will hold its twentieth anniversary dinner at the Kingsway Jewish Center on June 5. Honorees include the Rosh Yeshivah, Rabbi Avraham N. Zucker, and the founding rebbeim, Rabbi Yisroel Hunger, Rabbi Mendel Braunstein, Rabbi Dovid Fruchthandler, and Rabbi Benzion Krumbein. Also being honored at the dinner are Dr. and Mrs. Ari Krug, Mr. and Mrs. Yaakov Augenstein, and Mr. and Mrs. Doniel Norman.

May 7th rally from Chaim Deutsch on the steps of City Hall asking for funding for Shul security.

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