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Joining the Marine [Park] Core!

An Interview with Reb Mirup the Clown I Surely Have Gotten: His Final Word is That, Yes, You May Wear Wool on Purim Cotton


By Rabbi Hillel L. Yarmove ©

(Sung to the Tune of “Don’t Bake Your Hamentasha from Either Barley or from Kasha” in the Key of B#)

While drowning my pancakes in syrup

During the first of the two months of Adar,

I thought I’d ask my friend Reb Mirup

The clown for an interview, since he’s quite near (and that’s not very far).


Well, Mirup was, I can tell you, delighted

At the thought that he could tell us each p’rat in

His decision that it’s OK to wear wool (so please do not fight it!)

Or nylon, or dacron, or rayon on old Purim Cotton.


But what about vinyl, acrylics, or Naugahyde:

Would they be fine—and, yes, what about leather?

When I asked my friend Mirup, that’s just when he cried,

“Oh, how could I wear them in late winter weather?”


Now I continued my interview with this master of mirth

While eating my supper of potatoes au gratin.

I knew there was some strange kind of garments on earth

That I might have to wear on old Purim Cotton.


“Hey, then,” said I, with just a hint of a smile

On my face, “Maybe I should then ask my oldest schvester:

‘Should I wear cotton today; is that really the style?

Or may I don something else, my dear Polly Esther?’”


Polly Esther replied in a tone that was certain:

“Today’s Purim Cotton, and for you nothing is miyusdik:

Why, any material or cloth—even curtains—

Can be used for your garments as long as it’s tzniyusdik!”


Well, I told Reb Mirup the Clown of my sister’s decision

That it’s all right on Purim Cotton to wear even wool.

He cheered when he heard that, as he said with precision,

“I’m glad that over your eyes the wool I can’t pull!”


So, dear readers, enjoy both Purims Cotton—just let me be stating

That you won’t have to worry about all kinds of esthetics:

And if the fabric, fiber, or cloth becomes irritating,

You can still dress up in all types of synthetics.


Yes, I ended up agreeing with Reb Mirup the Clown:


Why, there’s absolutely no excuse for feeling the least bit rotten:

No—never, ever at all on old Purim Cotton!


A freilichen Purim and Shushan Purim (Cotton and Gadol), dear readers! 






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