Home / Teen-story / Seder-friends


By: Goldie Herskovitch


We were always friends, Yayin and I. Ever since I was baked three months ago and then shipped off to the Stein house, we really hit it off. The storage room we waited in was very dark but Yayin always calmed me down with stories of when he was in the vineyard with all his old grape pals. When he got sad and missed them too much, I was there to comfort him and speak of the happier times we’d experience at the Seder. It’s tonight. I can hardly stop myself from cracking in half, I’m so excited! I hope Mr. Stein chooses me to be the afikoman

Matzo and I always got along. I used to love hanging around that dark storage room with him, retelling my memories of when I was just a little grape. The truth is matzo is a much better friend than any of my old siblings back at the vineyard. There we would fight about who is the shiniest and who is the juiciest. Matzo just accepts everyone the way they are and loves them for it. When I first moved into the Steins with him, I made fun that he looked all flat and a little burnt, but I quickly learned that everyone has a special purpose and that sometimes it’s better to be crunchy than smooth. 

I can’t believe it’s finally the seder! The whole Stein family looks gorgeous in their new clothing; I especially love the twins matching stretchies. Yayin is looking just as glamorous, all ready to be poured into everyone’s silver bechers. I can’t wait to watch him glisten in the cups when we get up to Kadeish. Yachatz is not too far away and I’m eagerly anticipating my turn to partake in the seder.

Oh no! What are they doing to me? Why are they covering me? I can’t see Yayin anymore! It’s so dark in here! I’m getting all sweaty surrounded by this matzo cover. OUCH! Oh no..I think I’m cracked. What will they do with me now? I don’t think Mr. Stein noticed that he cracked me, ‘cause he’s not taking me out to switch me for a better matzo.

I hear him making Kiddush now. Yayin is probably loving every second as he shines in the limelight. Nobody is paying me any attention; when it’s my turn they’ll just gobble me up so they can get to the real food. It’s beginning to feel quite uncomfortable under this matzo cover, and I wish I would at least be able to peek out and see the goings on, without having to guess who is saying the mah nishtana when. I don’t even have a chance to be used as the afikoman, so now I’m gonna have to wait till motzi matza to even be glanced at. I guess I’ll just have to take a nap..

I don’t know why Matzo is giving me these looks. He thinks I can’t see him peeking under that gorgeous, hand stitched cover. Here I am, being passed from hand to hand with hardly any time to rest. Nobody’s careful not to spill me, and I cringe when I see my droplets all over the white tablecloth. There’s Matzo ensconced safely in the gorgeous matzo cover, patiently waiting his turn. I’m getting all dizzy being swished around and having fingers poke into my goblets. I wish I could be sleeping under a cover…

Oy, it looks like little Shimmy is very upset about something. Why is he crying? A minute ago he was singing the maccos song so nicely with all of his siblings! Oh, I see. It seems his big sister Tzipporah spilled grape juice all over his Hagaddah by mistake and now it’s ruined. What can I do to calm him down? Matzo is really good at making people feel good, if only I could catch his attention…

Whoa! It’s so late! Looks like we are almost up to tzafun! I can’t believe I slept through the whole Seder! Did they sing all of the maccos without me? I was so excited to hear Shimmy sing the new tune he’s been practicing! Hey! Where is shimmy? His chair is empty. That’s funny, I know he took a nap and he was really excited to stay up the whole time. Oh, I see him now. He’s crying on the couch. What could be the matter?  

Yayin just told me the whole story. I feel bad for Shimmy, but I wish he would realize that it’s a shame to let a little spill get on the way of everything. Hey! Isn’t that sort of what I did? I was so upset that I got cracked and so jealous of Yayin that I missed out on all the fun I could have had! What a shame. But you know what? At least I woke up just in time for tzafun! Mr. Stein is giving out all of the matzo and I’m going to be happy no matter how many pieces they break me into, and no matter who’s plate I land on. I hope that Shimmy cheers up too..

Phew! Seems that Matzo is not upset anymore. I’m so happy that he realized that it’s not worth it to sulk over little things. I’m learning that too.  I’m sorry that I complained about being swished around the whole night. I’m gonna make sure that Mr. Stein pours me into Shimmy’s becher for the last cup. Hopefully I’ll be able to cheer him up somehow.

My turn has arrived! Finally, they are giving out all the matzo! I think I’ll just inch over to Shimmy’s plate to make sure he’s doing ok…Oh! Looks like yayin had a similar idea! I can tell from the smile on Shimmy’s face that Yayin’s doing a great job cheering him up. I think I’ll just stick with Tzipporah then. After all, I don’t really like being broken into so many pieces…..☺


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