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Boy Corrects Museum’s Mistake

Charlie Edwards knows a lot about dinosaurs. In fact, he is so knowledgeable about the subject matter that he recently alerted London’s Natural History Museum of their erroneous identification of a specific species of dinosaur. The 10-year-old budding paleontologist noticed that a sign incorrectly displayed the silhouette of a protoceratops instead of an oviraptor. His parents were initially skeptical that a museum would allow such an oversight but sent an email to them anyway. Shortly afterward, they received confirmation that Charlie was indeed correct. “I am really, really proud of him,” his mother said. “Charlie has Asperger’s syndrome and tends to find a subject he loves and tries to learn so much about it, so it’s really nice that he’s been able to show what he’s learned.” The museum sent Charlie a letter of thanks for his observation.


Lemonade Stand Girl in Business

When life gave her lemons, a five-year-old British girl took it and made lemonade – and now she is bombarded with job offers. The girl, whose name is not mentioned in news outlets, was fined £150 ($195) by a local council for selling 50 cups of lemonade without the proper trading permit and license. Her father, Andre Spencer, tweeted that his daughter burst into tears after four police officers read from a long document detailing her wrongdoings and issued a ticket. Since then, there has been an outpouring of support, and she has received dozens of offers to set up stalls at other events. The family would like to extend the invitations to others whowant to make a lemonade stand, sell homegrown produce or self-made drawings or simply share their films and music at future events in east London. The council has since revoked and apologized for the fine.


Teens Wins $500 a Week for Life

She scratched her way to the top, and now she’s got it made! Daniela Leon Ruz may have just graduated high school, but the 18-year-old Florida teen now has a set salary after winning a weekly payday off on a one-dollar scratch-off ticket called “500 A Week for Life,” at her local grocery store. Instead of taking the lump sum, the teen chose to receive her winnings in annual payments of 26,000 dollars a year for the rest of her life.

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