Hillel Kapnick is a Producer/Singer/Musician/ DJ based in Monsey, NY. He owns and operates Uptop Recording Studios (Monsey, NY), and sings and plays at simchos with his orchestras and one man band regularly. Hillel can be reached for questions, comments or bookings at hilelkaps@gmail.com.
April 30, 2018
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Hillel Kapnick
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Today, I’ll be taking you on a tour through some of the latest and greatest releases to tide you over throughout Sefiras HaOmer and The Three Weeks, so let’s get started!

- Acapella Soul 5 – Ari Goldwag – While we patiently wait for the release of the new Ari Goldwag album Lo Nafsik Lirkod, Ari has provided us with something to hold us off until then. Following the great success of his previous releases in the Acapella Soul series, Ari has released another awesome acapella album. This one is filled with new compositions as well as some hits that you’ll all recognize arranged with Ari’s unique creativity in style. This album features Ari’s latest hit composition (and the title track of his upcoming album Lo Nafsik Lirkod), as well as Shmueli Ungar’s “Emes”, Mordechai Shapiro’s “Machar,” and more!

- A Shabbos Farbreng – Beri Weber – Like many other Jewish music fans, you may have been following Beri Weber throughout his career, from album to album, from inspirational message to inspiration message. Beri has gone far beyond an artist who just releases music and performs. Now you might be wondering what it would be like to spend a Shabbos with Beri. Well wonder no more! With this new album A Shabbos Farbreng, you can experience the warmth and beauty of a Shabbos with Beri. Featuring choirs by Lev Voices and produced by the super talented Eli Lax, this is sure to become one of your go-to favorite acapella albums. You might find yourself singing along!

- The Vocal Collection 4 – MRM has done it again! After the popularity of The Vocal Collection and the follow-up releases of volumes 2 and 3, MRM Music has released volume 4. This album is packed with 17 tracks featuring artists such as Shloime Gertner, Amiran Dvir, Gershon Veroba, Mendy J, Shalsheles Junior, Nochi Krohn, and more! This album contains the perfect mix of slower and quicker and tracks and has the perfect blend of styles and genres to keep you satisfied throughout Sefiras HaOmer.

- Bezras Hashem – Baruch Naftel – Following the releases of Baruch Naftel’s debut and follow up single’s “Bezras Hashem,” and “Besoros Tovos,” Bezras Hashem – Acapella takes a different direction. After hearing so much positive feedback from fans and friends about his debut single, Baruch decided that a version should be released that can be enjoyed no matter what time of the year it is. Another addition to this track is the feature of star child soloist Nati Broyde. This song was composed by Tzali Stern with the acapella arrangement done by Hillel Kapnick.

- Once Upon a Story: Sefiras HaOmer, Pesach Sheini and Lag BaOmer – For years, children’s music has focused primarily on the more popular holidays in the Jewish calendar (Chanukkah, Purim, Pesach, Rosh Hashanah and Sukkos). The producers of Once Upon a Story decided that the time has come to release a CD for children discussing the meaning behind the days of Sefiras HaOmer, Pesach Sheini, and Lag BaOmer, along with a number of inspirational and meaningful stories whose themes reflect that time. This CD is sure to be a great way to help children understand the things we do ( and don’t do) throughout Sefiras HaOmer and beyond!
Hillel Kapnick is a Producer/Singer/Musician/DJ based in Monsey, NY. He owns and operates Uptop Recording Studios (Monsey, NY) , and sings and plays at simchos with his orchestra and One Man Band regularly. Hillel can be reached for questions, comments, or bookings at hillel@hillelkaps.com or through his website @ www.HillelKAPS.com