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L’zchus Refuah Sheleima for
Alter Mordechai Tzvi ben Eka Breina

9/17 – Mr. and Mrs. Yossi Dahan on the birth of a granddaughter! Also to the parents Mr. and Mrs. Motti Dahan!
9/27 – Mr. and Mrs. Yossi and Raizy Gross on the birth of a granddaughter! Also to the parents Mr. and Mrs. Reuven and Tzivia Karman!
10/1 – Mr. and Mrs. Efi Kreitner on the birth of a girl!
10/3 – Mr. and Mrs. Avrumie Rubinstein on the birth of a girl! Also to the grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Yossi Rubinstein!
10/3 – Mr. and Mrs. Ari and Hudis Dobkin on the birth of a boy! A special mazel tov to the Bubby, Mrs. Sharon Dobkin.
10/4 – Mr. Alan Wiseman on the birth of a grandson in Bnei Brak!
10/16 – Rabbi and Rebbetzin Chaim Halberstam on the birth of a great-grandson! Also to the grandparents The Dayan and his Rebbetzin, Rabbi and Mrs. Meshulam Halberstam!

9/28 – Mr. and Mrs. Gedalia Schnal on Eliezer’s bar mitzvah!
9/28 – Mr. and Mrs. Heshy Weiss on Sruli’s bar mitzvah!
9/28 – Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel and Chaya Pine on Yossi’s bar mitzvah!
10/12 – Mr. and Mrs. Chaim Gross on Eliyahu’s bar mitzvah!
10/12 – Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Kessler on Avi’s bar mitzvah!

10/6 – Mr. and Mrs. Efroim and Malky Fasten on Goldie’s engagement to Yitzchok Goldner! Also to Mr. and Mrs. Ari and Tzirel Estie Goldner!
10/10 – Mr. and Mrs. Zevi and Hindy Wolman on Reuven’s putting on tefillin!
10/13 – Mr. and Mrs. Elan Strobel on Aaron’s putting on tefillin!

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