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L’Zecher Nishmas Alter Mordechai Tzvi ben Yitzchak Isaac


7/3 – Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim and Malky Silberberg on the birth of a grandson! Also to parents Mr. and Mrs. Akiva and Yehudis Besser! And to grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Naftali and Sara Freda Besser!
7/6 – Mr. and Mrs. Avrohom Slomowitz on the birth of a girl!
7/9 – Mr. and Mrs. Avi Blucharsky on the birth of a girl!
7/17 – Mr. and Mrs. Berish and Faigie Schachter on the birth of a girl!
7/21 – Mr. and Mrs. Benyomin and Pearl Friedman on the birth of a grandson! Also to parents Mr. and Mrs. Avromi and Chanie Friedman! And to grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Avraham and Malkie Kesselman!
7/21 – Mr. and Mrs. Yaakov and Shaindy Ziegler on becoming grandparents on the birth of a grandson! Also to parents Mr. and Mrs. Chaim Dovid and Penina Kaplan! And to grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Yosef and Chaya Kaplan!
7/23 – Mr. and Mrs. Lieby and Elisheva Liberman on the birth of a boy! Also to grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Yisroel and Ruchi Liberman and Mr. and Mrs. Elazar and Shulamis Wadler!
7/25 – Mr. and Mrs. Yossi and Bluma Ettlinger on the birth of a boy! Also to grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Yitz and Chana Ettlinger, and Mr. and Mrs. Heshy and Toby Kaufman!
8/5 – Mr. and Mrs. Moshe and Esti Kessler on the birth of a grandson! Also to grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Yossi and Miriam Fellner!
8/9 – Mr. and Mrs. Yehuda and Dina Schonfeld on the birth of a boy!
8/9 – Mr. and Mrs. Zevi and Rivky Kramer on the birth of a boy! Also to grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Yitzi and Simi Weis and Mr. and Mrs. Duvy and Miriam Kramer!
8/9 – Mr. and Mrs. Moshe and Chanie Slomovics on the birth of a grandson! Also to parents Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim and Rachely Slomovics! Also to grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tzion and Leah Kornreich!
8/18 – Mr. and Mrs. Yossi and Rochel Lea Odes on the birth of a granddaughter! Also to parents Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim and Chavi Gold! Also to grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Avi and Avigail Gold!

5/28 – Mr. and Mrs. Shamshi and Bassi Pinter on their son’s upsherin!


7/19 – Mr. and Mrs. Tzvi and Bracha Vaiselberg on Avraham and Nesanel’s putting on tefillin!
7/20 – Mr. and Mrs. Yaakov and Devorah Hauptman on Aryeh’s bar mitzvah! Also to grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Yosef Dovid and Tzvia Hauptman! And to grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Yosef Dov and Chana Raizel Stamm!
8/18 – Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Mindy Russo on Dovi’s bar mitzvah!


7/5 – Mr. and Mrs. Pinchos and Nechama Lerner on Shmuli’s engagement to Racheli Zaslavsky from Edison!! Also to Mr. and Mrs. Dovid and Elana Zaslavsky!
7/12 – Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Zeesie Wacholder on Yossi’s engagement to Shaindy Lebovic! Also to, Mr. and Mrs. David and Bayla Lebovic!
7/13 – Mr. and Mrs. Yoni and Hessy Goldberg and Tzvi and Mindy Ehrenfeld on Tzali’s recent marriage to Shoshana Goldman! Also to, Mr. and Mrs. Yaakov and Rivkah Goldman!
7/26 – Mr. and Mrs. Yonason and Rina Witonsky on Esti’s engagement to Adam Stefansky! Also to, Mr. Avraham Yosef Stefansky, Mrs. Nirit Stefansky, and Mr. Meir Friendman!
8/6 – Mr. and Mrs. Aryeh Bernath on Devorah’s engagement to Yitzchok Martin of the Lower East Side!
8/9 – Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel and Tzirel Lasker on Malka’s engagement to Mordechai Weissman! Also to, Mr. Ahron Weissman!
8/17 – Mr. and Mrs. Dovid and Rivki Schloss on Yitzchok’s engagement to Ahuva Taub from Monsey! Also to, Mr. and Mrs. Shaulie and Yonina Taub!
8/17 – Rabbi and Mrs. Avraham and Maya Kapetas on Chani’s engagement to Binyomin Davatgar! Also to, Mr. and Mrs. Majid and Lida Davatgar!
8/18 – Mr. and Mrs. Yoely and Chaya Kar on Duvid’s engagement to Batya Berkowitz from Lakewood!
8/18 – Mr. and Mrs. Reuven and Shira Horwitz on Yaakov Zelig’s engagement to Chana Alber from North Miami Beach!
8/25 – Mr. and Mrs. Meir and Perrie Vachss on Shmuel’s engagement to Rivky Koplowitz!
8/27 – Mr. and Mrs. Dovid and Rivki Schloss on Elisheva’s engagement to Shmulie Schlisselfeld! Also to Mr. and Mrs. Avrumie and Chanie Schlisselfeld!
8/28 – Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzy and Chavie Marcus on Devora’s engagement to Moshe Yosef Trenk of Baltimore! Also to Mr. and Mrs. Chaim Yitzchok and Rochel Trenk!

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