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Le’zchus Refuah Shelaima for Alter Mordechai Tzvi ben Eka Breina


9/11 – Mr. and Mrs. Mayer and Rachel Leibler on the birth of a boy! Also to grandparents  Mr. and Mrs.

Benny and Esther Glasser, and Mr. and Mrs. Akiva and Gitel Leibler!

9/11 – Mr. and Mrs. Elimeir and Rivka Risa Adelman on the birth of a boy!

9/11 – Mr. and Mrs. Zev and Hadassa Beleck on the birth of a girl!


9/15 – Modzitzer Rebbe shlita and Rebbetzin on their grandson, Yechezkel Scharf’s, bar mitzvah!

10/1 – Mr. and Mrs. Shai and Miriam Guetta on Pinchas’ bar mitzvah!


9/4 – Mr. and Mrs. Dovi Rubinstein on Shmuli’s marriage!

9/15 – Mr. and Mrs. Kessler on Pessy’s engagement to Mendy Deblinger! Also to Mr. and Mrs. Uri and

Golda Deblinger!

9/15 – Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Meir and Chaya Michaeli on Yocheved’s engagement to Mordechai Mitnik! Also to Mr. and Mrs. Yaakov and Rivkie Mitnik!

10/26- Mr. Phil Brach on the engagement of his daughter, Elisheva, to Itz Plopper of Toronto! Also to Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai and Shaindy  Plopper !

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