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Ita Yankovich


On Tuesday, June 22, there will be a special election for City Council to replace Chaim Deutsch and Alan Maisel, who are term limited. 


Councilmembers are vital to the community. Their duties include overseeing urban planning and zoning  issues for the municipality.  They are also responsible for responding to constituents’ requests, fixing roads and sidewalks, obtaining more tax revenue during times of natural disasters, and increasing police presence when deemed necessary.


We encourage you all to do your civic duty and take the time out of your busy day to go out and vote. The election results directly impact parts of Marine Park.  We want you to be able to make an educated decision on how to vote, so we reached out to the candidates running for Districts 46 and 48.  We have not received responses from some of the candidates at the time of printing, so below are only the responses from those that answered.   


City Council District 48 (current: Chaim Deutsch)


Brighton Beach


Manhattan Beach


Sheepshead Bay

Brightwater Towers

Luna Park & Trump Village


Heshy  Tischler

Can you share a bit about your background?


My job all my life has been to help people in trouble. I have lived in South Brooklyn for 57 years and have been married to my lovely wife Linda for over 30 years. We raised three sons in this community.  I have more than 104 biological nieces and nephews, and I am also a “foster parent” to many other children by offering them a safe place to stay with good food and good company.  My first job was in the travel business where I helped people get emergency flights. I have been able to get people out of jail by going to court and vouching for them. I have helped feed families by partnering with other agencies, and I am involved with special needs kids. I am also an expediter, who works on getting official permits for construction companies.  I run a weekly radio show called “The Just Enough HESHY Show.”  Most importantly, I’m a community activist who can fix things and doesn’t mind standing on the firing line and taking a hit for my district.  


What will you do about zoning laws: keep or change them?

I would fix the laws. I’m already a Department of Buildings expeditor, so I know all about the complications of zoning. I would actually defund the DOB and the DOT and lessen the number of commissions they have. There is a lot of red tape when it comes to getting even the most basic permit. The DOB is an agency that has no oversight whatsoever. They do whatever they want, and they’ve been abusing residents with frivolous violations for too long. Nobody knows more about working with the city and zoning than I do. 


What will you do to reduce property taxes in this district?


I will fight the Department of Finance. It takes three years to correct an issue with the city and if you have a penalty, it is a skyrocketing 18-percent fee. The City Council makes way too many laws, putting additional burdens on our citizens. There is an average of two dozen new laws enacted by the legislature every month. We should be looking to repeal laws, not make the city a more regulatory place.


What is your position on legalizing marijuana?

I am 100% opposed to it! Marijuana is a disgusting drug. I would love to get rid of this law.  It is a dangerous drug. It is a hallucinogen, and it makes people not operate to the best of their ability. When it comes to medicinal marijuana, that I approve. 


How do you feel about defunding the police?

People want to remove the police; it is a crazy idea! The bail reform was a big failure because not all criminals can be rehabilitated. They are trying to redistrict our community, and this will lead to more progressives on the ballot, and they do not share our same values. 


If you received a $1 million grant, how would you spend it?


I would give it to organizations that distribute food to the needy and have food programs. I will also give money to postpartum programs, youth programs, and drug centers. 


Amber Adler

Can you tell us a bit about your background?


I am a civic leader and nonprofit CEO who has lived in this district for over a decade. I have a bachelor’s in specialized studies from Ohio University with a dual major in business and professional communications. I also earned certifications in real estate, finance, and behavioral therapy. I am raising my two boys here as a single Jewish Orthodox mother, and I fell in love with this neighborhood.  I am chair of Neighborhood Advisory Board 15, where I work to alleviate poverty in Southern Brooklyn by spearheading the allocation of hundreds of thousands of dollars in federally funded contracts. I have worked in the private sector since I was 20 years old as an executive administrator to the CFO and vice president of a large company. I have also worked with nonprofits, several organizations including one for autistic children. Professionally, I have directed operations in both corporate and non-profit organizations. In 2019, I  helped secure approximately $170,000 in funding from the City of New York to educate public school students on the atrocities of the Holocaust to combat modern day anti-Semitism. 


What qualifications do you have to run?

I have always been interested in politics. Although I have never held a government position, I have worked in the private sector and was a paid staffer on Deutsch’s 2017 reelection campaign. I am the chair of Neighborhood Advisory Board 15; my activism includes regularly partnering with organizations to provide vital necessities for community members in need. I volunteer at local soup kitchens, participate in interfaith dialogue, and advocate for the allocation of equitable resources at rallies. I have stood on the steps of City Hall, to demand expedited services for K-12 students with learning disabilities, a subject that hits close to home because both of my children have IEP’s and experienced significant delays in service.


What will you do about zoning laws: keep or change them?


It depends. We cannot overdevelop the area. We don’t want to see huge buildings dominating the landscape and overwhelming residents. I also don’t think our infrastructure can handle it as it needs updating to maintain the increase of growth. 


What is your position on legalizing marijuana?


I do believe it is effective medicinally for certain cases. I am interested to see how it will be regulated in terms of public smoking now that it is legal. We need to worry about secondhand contact as well. Currently, it seems like a free for all, and it needs to be better regulated. 


Should the government be involved in private education?


Right now, where we stand, we are all satisfied with the current system in place. We all agree that every child deserves a good quality education, and I believe most private schools deliver that. There are no broad answers here; it must be looked at on a case-by-case basis. 


Chaim Deutsch is a long running and respected politician. Which of his policies would you keep, and which would you discontinue?

I support him in a lot of his policies especially protection of houses of worship, and his pilot program for Halal and kosher food in public schools. I will continue my great work in combatting anti-Semitism and all hate crime. I actually won an award from the New York State Assembly for my fight against hate crime. I want to continue working on hate prevention and promoting unity.


How do you relax after a long day?


I really don’t. Thank G-d for Shabbos. It is my only day off. I like to have movie night on Motzoei Shabbos with my kids. 


Steven Saperstein

Can you share with us a little bit about your background?


I was born and raised in this district. I love this district. My parents and my young brother are deaf, and my first language is sign language. This experience taught me the power of communication. We all need to have a voice and advocacy.  I got a law degree and then became an educator for the deaf and hard of hearing. I am married with two daughters. My wife is a Russian Jew who fled religious persecution. I belong to the Chabad Seabreeze Jewish Center and have a close relationship with Rabbi Winner. I started a foundation called Shorefront Coalition in 2019, which is  volunteer organization bringing people together for the greater good.   


What do you see as the biggest issue in your district?


Economic revitalization in terms of getting people back to work with clean, safe streets.  Crime is up and people are fearful. Public safety is a driver of economic success.  We need to bring back jobs and tourism. We will get there but if we don’t, we will go back to the way it was in  70s and 80s when crime was rampant.


How did the city handle the pandemic?


I’m a teacher so I would give them an F. Everything from the shutting down of businesses to the discrimination of the Jewish community, and the botched vaccine distribution. The government has failed our district. Moving forward, we need leadership that makes sure agencies communicate with each other. We need to encourage tech back into our city and form public partnerships. 


What is your policy on defunding the police?


We should actually refund them. We need a strong police presence. Our men and women in blue work so hard on outreach, but you have politicians who listen to the Twitter crowd and that is what drives their policy. It’s not right and not based on common sense.


How will you work on improving access to reliable transportation?


Ridership is down, so we need to work on that. Invest in infrastructure. Make the MTA board more accountable. We must do a full audit of their spending. Board meetings should be more transparent. The state controls the MTA, so  there needs to be more communication between state and city. 


If you received $1 million in grants, how would you spend it?


I would look into different organizations and what they are doing for the community. I would invest in parks and schools and improving the overall district.  I also think that one million doesn’t get you far these days, which is why I would work hard and try to get $20 million. 


Mariya Markh


Can you share a bit about your background? 


I live in Sheepshead Bay with my husband Lenny, and our three-year-old daughter Rebecca. I have been residing in the same district since the third grade. I came here as a little girl from the former Soviet Union as a refugee.  I have been active in politics for over 15 years, working for Council Members Lew Fidler, Alan Maisel, and Chaim Deutsch before working at City Hall to represent the Southern Brooklyn communities I worked on legislation, budgeting, and constituent services. I also worked for the mayor’s office as a community liaison. Even though I disagree with a lot of his policies, I must be there so we have a voice. 



I love being part of the council! I’m running because our next Council Member’s first responsibility will be to help our City and our community recover from the devastating effects of COVID-19. I’m running because I’ve been helping this community for over a decade. I know your needs and I’m always on your side. I’m running because I know how to make government work for you, not against you. I’ve been here and I’ve done the job. Many government positions are now going to be filled with people who have no institutional knowledge due to end of term limits. I am not one of those people; I know how the city works, I know which agencies we can rely on, and I’m running because as may slogan says: “I’m ready on day one”.


What is your position on zoning laws? 


I am known as “Queen of Lien” because I helped 500 people stay in their homes by working to get them off the City’s annual lien sale. When it comes to zoning, we are not talking about big developers coming here and wanting to erect 14-story structures. We are talking about large families who just need a little more breathing room. It really varies a case by case.


What is your view on legalizing marijuana?


I do not appreciate the smell and what it does to people, but we must face reality. It’s already out there, and if we can collect revenue from taxes, it might be worth it. If we tax it then we can get money for much-needed social services. 

What is your view on the government’s involvement in private education?


Ultimately, it is the parent’s decision where to place their child. If they wish to place the child in yeshiva or private school, the government shouldn’t be involved and question its education. I believe yeshivas provide excellent education all around. During the pandemic, when public schools were shut down but yeshivos were open, many lost out on bussing or therapy services since they go through the city. We must delink the school calendars. 


How do you relax after a long day?


I like watching TV with my husband while enjoying a nice, warm meal. It is very hard to do this with a toddler around. It would also be nice to have a good night’s sleep.


Binyomin Bendet

Can you share with us a bit about your background?

I grew up in Brooklyn. I am raising a family here. My wife and I recently had a baby boy, and we have a five-year-old in Yeshiva Torah Vodaath.  My wife is a nurse and I’m a litigation attorney in fields of real estate and commercial. I still live near my childhood home in South Brooklyn.  I have been involved in community service for many years, attending community board meetings, gathering signatures for election petitions, and assisting in successful political and judicial campaigns. But it was the example of my father, Mayer Bendet, who passed away last June after a lifetime of working tirelessly on a variety of public causes, that inspired me to devote myself to government service by running for the City Council. 


What made you run for City Council? 


I still live near my childhood home in South Brooklyn.  I have been involved in community service for many years, attending community board meetings, gathering signatures for election petitions, and assisting in successful political and judicial campaigns. But it was the example of my father, Mayer Bendet, who passed away last June after a lifetime of working tirelessly on a variety of public causes, that inspired me to devote myself to government service by running for the City Council. The city is badly hurting from the effects of the coronavirus shutdowns, and I want to make sure that Brooklyn comes back stronger, safer, and better than ever. My belief in fostering a sense of cooperation and understanding between various sectors of the community is based on the ideal that when quality of life improves, everyone benefits. I want to make sure we have someone in office that can fully represent everyone in the district. As an attorney I have skills like understanding other side’s argument and negotiation skills to work with getting legislature passed in the city.


What do you see as the biggest issue in your district?

Education across the board.  It has subcategories. Even adults need education so we can learn more tolerance and combat hate crime. I also think we need better access to special education. My son has sensory issues and I know what it takes to deal with the Department of Education to get the necessary services, and it’s not easy sometimes.  Kids also could use more extracurricular activities. 

What will you do about our high property taxes?

I want to see them lowered. There are programs for some people who fit certain criteria. I hope people learn about them and apply for lower taxes. This is not specific to one district. Mill Basin and Marine Park contain a lot of younger families and we must try to accommodate them. 

What is your policy on defunding the police?

I am against it. Police are important for the city as a whole. We need police to ensure that we feel safe. We need the police to bring back our economy. Who wants to shop in an area that is crime-ridden? Crime is happening in broad daylight. Bail reform is a disaster. Criminals are being released and the data shows that within a short amount of time they are right back in the system. 

Should the government be involved in private education? 

There is a baseline teaching curriculum, but the government shouldn’t be telling our schools that we need to teach other topics. In some other states very questionable material is being taught. Is this something we want our children to learn? Give the government a finger, they will take a hand. 


Residence often complain that we are paying more in property tax than those living in park Slope. What will you do about our high property taxes?

That’s crazy! I want to see them lowered. There are programs for some people who fit certain criteria. I hope people learn about them and apply for lower taxes. This is not specific to one district. Mill Basin and Marine Park contain a lot of younger families and we must try to accommodate them. 


City Council District 46 (current: Alan Maisel)

Gerritsen Beach

Marine Park

Bergen Beach

 Mill Basin



Gardy Brazela


Can you tell us a bit about your background?


I have been in the council district as a community leader for over 30 years. I am the founder of Friends United Block Association of Canarsie, the largest city organization in the district. I’m also the president of the 69th Precinct Community Council.  I have been on the Community Board for 28 years and chairman for two years.  I love this community and I am the only candidate who can continue Alan Maisel’s great legacy. I founded the United Youth Center where local youth learn computer skills, basic life skills, and study habits, which all assist in later life success. 


What is the biggest issue in your district?


After COVID-19 relief, I would say crime. I want to open a community center for teenagers, so they have afterschool programs. Most of the crime here is being committed by bored teens. Opening a community center will be a haven for them. We currently do have afterschool programs, but we need to expand on them. We should keep the school buildings open until 9 P.M. so kids can go there to do homework or play basketball. Let’s keep them busy. I also propose we offer a tax break to local stores if they hire teens from the area. 

Should the government be involved in private education?

Never. If they are not getting the city dollar then the school should decide everything on their own. 


Do you support legalizing marijuana? 


I think this is a mistake. By doing this we are opening the door to more problems. We will end up spending more money on rehabilitation programs. 


How do you feel the city handled the pandemic?


I am not here to bash the Mayor de Blasio. Nobody was prepared for this. What I would do is put up centers in my district where people can come in and get more information and also get tested.  Regarding the city’s closing of small businesses, I think they went too far.  We should give small businesses a break on taxes and make the billionaires and millionaires pay their fair share. Small businesses need to get tax breaks to survive and continue providing services to the community. 


What will you do about zoning laws: keep or change them?


I live in a three-bedroom house in Canarsie, and I see that it has become too small for my family, but I am not allowed to expand. This is not just an issue in Marine Park, but in other districts as well. This is driving people out of the city to New Jersey, and we have to be more flexible.


Residents often complain that they are paying more in property taxes than people living in Park Slope. What can you do about property tax reform?

It’s a gimmick from the city to generate revenue, and it has been an issue for a long time. Property tax must be reduced. Why are we paying 6 or 7 thousand in property taxes while people in park Slope are only paying 4? The city council must step in.


Judy D. Newton

Can you share a bit about your background? 

I am an immigrant. I was one of eight children born to a poor family in the village of Coach Hill, St. John, Barbados. From an early age, I learned the value of a good education and the importance of public service. In the summer of 1976, my family immigrated to New York City.   I started as a dishwasher, then a cashier, then an office secretary, and finally an office aid before joining the NYPD. I became a police officer in 1984m eventually becoming a detective special assignment and then detective. I have a degree in police science, business administration, and a master’s in philosophy and public administration as well as a doctorate in education. Together with my husband, Richard Baxt, a retired assistant commissioner with the New York City Department of Probation, we run The Newton Foundation, which serves the underprivileged. 

Why did you choose to run?

I could have easily stayed home and collected my pension, but I cannot sit by and watch my community decay.  I want to continue the great legacy and work of Alan Maisel. 


What is your position on defunding the police?

I have been a NYPD detective for 27 years, so I can speak from experience. We need the police just as much as any city needs a fire department and sanitation department. I do think we could do better with collaboration between the police and the community so we can stop this us vs. them syndrome that is going on. 

What will you do about zoning laws: keep or change them?

Of course we should change them! It’s a no-brainer! This is an issue in many districts, not just Marine Park. The zoning needs to be updated.


Do you think the government should be involved in private education?

It’s exactly that: private. I am a product of private education and I do not think the government should be involved, especially if the school is not getting city funding. If the government wants to help out, that’s fine. After all, it does take a village to raise a child. 

Which of Alan Maisel’s policies are you looking to keep, and which are you thinking of changing?

I will keep most of them since he has good policies. I will not discontinue any of his good work, Overtime, some things might need tweaking, but nothing will be ceased.


What do you think is the biggest issue in your district?

Keeping families together since the district has become somewhat fragmented. Crime is another issue. We have a good family setting here, but the quality of life is being impacted with the increase in crime. This all starts with the family unit and education. We need to start with little kids. There needs to be better collaboration with the educational system and families so we can spot issues early on before them become major problems. We need to improve our parks and create more recreational areas for children. Food insecurity is another issue, especially for the 25,000 seniors living in Canarsie that need help.


How do you think the city handled COVID-19 and what would you do to help the return to normalcy?


Things could have been handled better. I have been assisting with food shortage issues from day one serving 1,000 meals every weekend. We need to better educate people on proper hygiene. 


What is your position on legalizing marijuana?

I have never touched it. I am all for law and order. This is going to be a problem especially with the youth. People’s brains cannot function at full capacity while on drugs. 

What is your position on defunding the police?

I have been a NYPD detective for 27 years, so I can speak from experience. We need the police just as much as any city needs a fire department and sanitation department. If we don’t have strong police, then chaos ensues. I do think we could do better with collaboration between the police and the community so we can stop this us vs. them syndrome that is going on. 


If you received a $1 million grant, how would you spend the money?

I would first look into existing family programs to see what their needs are. Mental health is also an area that needs major attention and funding, as well as security. 

How do you relax after a long day?

I go to sleep! My day starts at 5:30 A.M. and I don’t go to bed until about 1 A.M. If I do have spare time, I like to read, walk, and go to the gym. I am also an avid golfer.


Dimple Willabus

Can you please share a bit about your background? 

I was born and raised in a small village in Guyana, South America. I emigrated to the United States at the age of 26. Although I had completed school and had my own business back home, upon arriving in the U.S.  I took my GED, attended Kingsborough Community College and then Brooklyn College, where I earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees. I am married to an NYPD lieutenant and we have three children. We’ve lived in Assembly District 59 since 2004 and in NYC Council District 46 for the past 16 years. 

What will you do about zoning law: keep or change them? 

There must be more community engagement and transparency through our Community Boards and in conjunction with our Borough Presidents office to ensure that homeowners and neighborhoods are prioritized when development decisions must be made. I further support addressing that new developments must have a plan that accounts for improved green spaces, local jobs and access and affordability for local residents who already occupy the community. 

What can you do about property tax reform?

First and foremost, we need to simplify the property tax code. It is too convoluted and results in taxpayers paying more because tax rates are not assessed based on true-market values. In addition, when we look at co-ops, condos, and gentrifying neighborhoods, property values increase, while tax rates remain the same. know that the city’s budget is heavily dependent on property tax revenue; however, we cannot prioritize profits over people. There is a labyrinth of incentives, rebates, and  abatements that the average homeowner is unable to navigate, as such, the big-time developers benefit while we suffer. 

What is your position on defunding the police? 

My husband is a lieutenant in the NYPD. I’ve spoken out against defunding the police because I believe it removes resources from the community, without any set plan on where those resources will go. There’s talk about where the funding “should” go, but no concrete plan, which means the very community that needs the resources is subject to losing them. 

What will you do to ensure the safety of your constituents? 

There needs to be a fully funded hate crimes task force that partners the NYPD, the District Attorney’s office, and community advocates. These crimes are crimes against humanity, not just specific groups. The community must have a role and the crimes must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

 If you received a $1 million grant, what would you do with it and why?

My priorities are senior and youth services. I would look to enhance programs to keep our seniors engaged and ensure that their issues are met. I would then focus on lessening the digital divide and other inequities that are plaguing are children. 

How do you unwind after a long day? 

Spending time with my husband and children. We especially like our weekly “family day” where we sit and enjoy a meal, talk, and laugh. Sometimes that’s coupled with a board game or watching a movie. 


Donald Craston

Can you tell us a bit about your background?

I was born in Brooklyn to a blue-collar family. I am the third of seven children. My wife Kristen and I live in Marine Park. She’s a New York City schoolteacher and we have two boys who attend P.S. 207. I graduated from Edward R. Murrow High School and then went to CUNY’s John Jay College of Criminal Justice, then transferred to St. Francis College, where I earned my bachelor’s. I was a construction consultant for many companies and worked for various city and state agencies, including the NYC Board of Education, Battery Park City Authority, New York City School Construction Authority, and the New York State Senate. 

How would you improve the quality of life in your district?

Each district has different needs in relation to crime. In Canarsie it might be shootings while in Marine Park it might be car and home break-ins. I think all crime, even petty crime, must be handled appropriately, or it will lead to bigger crimes. Much of this has to do with mental health which is not being treated properly. Coming out of the pandemic, we really need to delve into the ramifications this virus had on everyone, especially the children. They have essentially missed out on a year of childhood and schooling. 

How did the city handle the pandemic?

Cuomo and DeBlasio were both trying to outdo each other, and we are the ones who suffered because of it.  We must leave politics out of the recovery. Some people in the population are vulnerable, but not everyone is, and we must reopen schools and small businesses. But we can only do this if we improve our public safety because no one is going to shop and ride the subway if crime is spiking. 

What is your policy on defunding the police? 

I do not support this. We can work on getting better training and learn better de-escalation tactics, but we cannot defund the police. I propose that the DMV institute a “stop training” lesson being pulled over by cops to avoid unnecessary altercations.  

Alan Maisel is a long standing and respected politician. Which of his policies would you keep or change?

Alan is a great public servant, but I think people will find that I am more approachable. I know how to get things done and resolve issues quickly. 


Should government be involved in private education? 

No. There should be competition in education whether it be public schools, charter schools, or private schools. Private schools are important because they allow groups to teach the values that are important to them. We must teach history, all history in public schools so we do not repeat it. 


What is your policy on legalizing marijuana?

It’s kinda been legal in New York forever, right? But we don’t do anything about it. It is a State issue now, but we need to be able to regulate it from a city standpoint.  


If you were given $1 million in grant money, how would you spend it?

 We have sports fields in this district that are not utilized to their full potential, so what I would do is take the money and install lights so people could play and use the location for longer hours. Kids need more options for outdoor activities. 


 Zuri Jackson-Woods

Can you tell us a bit about your background? 


I am a lifelong resident of Brooklyn. As a student, I was educated at New York City public schools from kindergarten through high school. I hold a BA in education and master’s in guidance and school counseling. I also hold a master’s in administration and supervision in education from Brooklyn College. I am a longtime Georgetown resident with my husband and daughter.


What made you run for this position?

 While I certainly do not consider myself a politician and therefore have not spent a lot of time navigating New York City’s political landscape. I’ve lived in New York City all of my life and know that things must change. There is a need for expeditious action on issues ranging from racial justice to criminal justice and police reform, to gun violence to closing the digital gap, to educational reform to universal healthcare to affordable housing to climate justice to poverty and the list goes on and on. It won’t get better on its own. It’s on all of us to do what we can to build a massive movement that connects us together.


Many in your district oppose the legalization of marijuana. What is your take?  


I believe that criminal penalties for marijuana possession have created way more harm than would come from treating it more like alcohol or tobacco.


What will you do about zoning laws: keep or change them?  


I will support reforms to ULURP to move towards racially equitable comprehensive planning that aims to prevent displacement and gentrification. I would be remiss if I did not mention how Big Real Estate controls our city.   As our entire ULURP process, our zoning contemplations are built on the premise that if you give enough money to big developers, they’ll do the right thing through mandatory inclusionary housing or all these other incentive programs. In retrospect, these programs actually cause more displacement. 


What can you do about property tax reform?


We have a disparity in property taxes based on zip codes.  I will advocate for a property tax cap of at least 2% as was already given to New York State.  Another option would be to freeze property taxes for at least a year to give people the opportunity to get their heads above water. 


What is your position on defunding the police?


Growing up in Bedford Stuyvesant, I recall  that the police had an authentic interest in our trajectories as they were from our communities and understood the oppressions residents contended with on a daily basis.  These relationships of mutual respect helped to keep crime at minimum. Let’s be clear, we don’t want to see excessive force. As such, we must advocate relentlessly for policies that hold police departments and individual officers accountable for misconduct. This looks like reducing the high burden of proof required to prosecute police officers for any wrongdoing under section 1983 for law enforcement officers and by passing the George Floyd Justice and Policing Act.  We must improve support services for people who were formerly incarcerated by connecting them to training, housing, and employment opportunities to prevent recidivism. 


 Alan Maisel and Chaim Deutsch are long running and respected politicians. What are some of their policies you plan on continuing or ceasing?


I have much respect for both Alan Maisel and Chaim Deutsch and their accomplishments. I’m an advocate for bike lanes. I believe it’s important that we make it easier for folks to live without cars. The way it’s set up now, it’s difficult to get around on a bike. We can curb emissions from transportation by redesigning our streets to make it safer and more convenient.  


Should the government be involved in private education?


As an educator and administrator for 32 years, I have seen firsthand how deprivation of basic resources compromises our young people’s self-esteem, intelligence, and dignity.  Now is the time for the government to live up to its responsibilities of fulfilling its promise on public education.  As such, instead of privatization, and closing our public schools we need to equitably invest in our public schools; pay our teachers a living wage; and fund full-time nurses, school counselors, social workers, and school psychologists in every school. 





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