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Dear Editor,

I enjoyed reading about the fascinating RV life that Ben Wymore and his family lived for three years and many summers (Vol. 2 Issue 54). I hope one day I can convince my family to also join me in such a journey. Two things struck me about this piece that I wish to share with you and the readers, so please indulge me as I vent 1) I found it very sad that Ben’s relationship with his son took a dramatic turn after quitting the RV life so he can attend a local high school yeshivah. I don’t mean “dramatic turn” in a confrontational sense, but rather in the sense that due to the heavy demands yeshivah life puts on boys, he barely sees and talks to his child anymore with the exception of  Shabbos or late evenings. I have young children whom I immensely enjoy spending quality time with, but I too hear many fathers in shul complain that they hardly see their boys anymore as they are either away for yeshivah or come home late every night (the boys, not the fathers). I am unsure if this is the right approach. There is much to learn from Gemara, but there is also much one can learn from a father. 2) I also couldn’t help but notice that in all the beautiful and moving pictures of the family’s vacations, the mom was not present in any of them (even obscurely). This message is also saddening. I’ll leave it at that.

All in all, it was an interesting piece and a great read!

Benyamin L.   


 Dear Editor,

 I’m sorry but I totally disagree with Ms. Berkovic’s column “So, What are your Pesach Plans?” in last month’s issue. I feel like maybe 20 years ago families went to hotels (or vacation resorts) because it worked out for them for various reasons, but today people go  to see and to be seen. I know families who have gone into debt because they feel they need to maintain that status quo  of going to a hotel for Pesach. It’s really a shame because staying home and being just with your family is a beautiful experience that creates many lasting memories without the distraction of popular singers, lavish meals and entertainment. Think, what do I want my kids to reflect on about our family Seders: the 24 tearoom and teenage babysitters, or sitting around the dining room table listening to Zeidy talk about his life, hearing Tatty’s dvar Torah, or the little ones’ cute recital of Mah Nishtanah?

 Stay home for Pesach!

 Goldy Z. 


Dear Editor,

I’m an associate broker at Tracey Real Estate. Your magazine is wonderful.  I was wondering if you could update your shul list of Marine Park (Zmanim page) . I refer to it for my customers who are moving here , and I think there are more shuls that have recently opened.  I don’t know where to find the information.  You probably have more sources than I have. Maybe you could add the Madison area shuls that are walking distance to Marine Park.     

Thanks for your help. 

Joan Dweck


Editor’s note: Although we do try to stay current with our Zmanim, it is not always possible for us to find the most current information. We ask all our readers to please contact us with any changes pertaining to their shuls, or information about new shuls that have opened that are not on our list!

Dear JCC of Marine Park Staff,

On behalf of my family and myself, I’d like to express our appreciation for the Pesach package scheduled for delivery on March 18 and for the $50 Glatt Mart gift certificate. All the effort and all the expense you put into delivering all the Pesach essentials greatly eases the financial as well as the physical burden that go hand in hand with making Pesach.

May the Ribono Shel Olam bless you  and all those involved in such a tremendous chessed with continued success, having a positive effect on the life of every Jew in your community and always creating a nachas ruach for the Borei olam.

Chag Kosher V’ Sameach.

Yours truly,

Name Withheld


Recipe correction: 


Pesach has passed, but it seems that we accidentally omitted part of Chani Grunberger’s fantastic Pesach Cinnamon Crumb Cake from last month’s recipe section. we’re reprinting it in its entirety – with apologies – so you can save it for next year. 


Pesach Cinnamon Crumb Cake 


1 cup sugar 

1 cup brown sugar 

1 teaspoon baking powder 

1 tablespoon vanilla sugar 

1 cup oil 

4 eggs 

1 cup potato starch 


Mix all ingredients and pour into a 9×13 pan. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes. 


In another bowl mix the following for the topping:  

2 teaspoons cinnamon 

1/2 cup oil (place in freezer for 30 minutes first)

1/4 cup sugar 

1/4 cup brown sugar 


Pour topping over cake and bake an additional 35 minutes at 350


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