Home / Editorial / Letters-to-the-editor-52


Dear Editor,
I wanted to compliment the JCC on the recent opening of the library. The space looks modern and inviting and is filled with loads of great Jewish books. My kids loved reading all the comic books and trying out the virtual reality. It’s clear that a lot of planning went into this! Keep up the great work!
Klein Family

Dear Editor,
I have been using Boris Mekhtiyev as my barber for more than a decade and everything printed in the article “Shear Mentch” is true. Besides being a phenomenal barber, he is also good at making everyone feel at home in his salon. It’s a pleasure going to Boris and I’m glad that he was profiled.

Dear Editor,
I am a tad jealous of the Dershowitz family, who will usher in the New Year as new olim. My husband and I have been toying with the idea of moving to Israel for a few years but have been reluctant to take the plunge because we’re worried about our kids’ adjustment. Reading about how the Dershowitz family did it makes me hopeful that perhaps we can make the move too. Can we get an update from the family to hear how they are settling in?
“Fragile Wings” by Bracha Goetz resonated with me. The idea that we frum women keep our wings hidden to shelter them from the harsh outside world is powerful. I showed the poem to my two teenage daughters who were complaining about exactly what Goetz was writing about: “Religious girls in the summer. Blouses buttoned high, long skirts with stockings.” They may be too young to fully understand the message now, but I hope they will appreciate it in the future.

Dear Editor,
I know that many families in the neighborhood get books from PJ Library in the mail each month. I just wanted let them know that sometimes the books have Hashem’s name in them. I reached out to PJ Library a few months ago to bring it to their attention, but I haven’t heard back. Please be aware and treat those books as shaimos.

Dear Editor,
Public service announcement for those who were away over the summer: The sanitation department left notices that starting October 3, we will be required to separate food particles from regular (non-recycling) garbage. The food garbage must be in special small brown bins that will be distributed or in separate bags.
Frumi G.

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