Home / Editorial / Letters-to-the-editor-47


Dear Editor,

I gained a lot from reading “You Glow, Girl!” where you interviewed Kayla Levin. I can relate to her advice on working within your “realm of influence.” For years, I tried to change my spouse, but no matter what I did, he just retreated further. At the advice of a therapist, I shifted the focus from him to me and became more proactive than reactive.  I stopped feeling like a victim. Our marriage is not perfect – no marriage is – but shifting my focus has helped mine tremendously. 

Name withheld upon request


Dear Editor,

In response to “Thank G-d its Thursday,” I think the whole idea of clocking into an office to confirm a 9 -5 workday is a very antiquated way to look at productivity. These days with Zoom replacing in-person meetings, there is no reason why employees must complete their tasks in a designated space during a designated time. If the pandemic has shown us anything, it is that we can get work done  on our own terms.  If anything, more time is wasted going into the office after one factors in socializing with co-workers, office parties, looking for parking, and dealing with traffic.

  1. F.


Dear Editor,

As we are in the high school application season, I just want to reassure parents and the kids that Hashem will put you where you are supposed to be. Just because you don’t get accepted the school of your choice, that doesn’t mean that you are a reject or that you weren’t good enough. It just means that it wasn’t meant to be.  My son didn’t get accepted to the school of his choice last year and we reluctantly enrolled him in his second choice. It ended up being the best thing for him! He is now flourishing and thriving in his #2 school, which is making him feel like a #1 as opposed to a student who had to beg and plead to be accepted.

  1. Y.

Dear Editor,

As a teacher working in a local elementary school in the area, I wanted parents to know that a simple thank you card means just as much to us as us morahs and rebbeim as cash gifts. Last year, I had a particularly hard class. The kids were disruptive and a few had major behavioral problems. I was on the verge of quitting. Right before Chanukah, a mother sent me a long note thanking me for all my hard work. The letter was detailed and clearly not an afterthought. The sentiments in that letter fueled me far more than a $50 gift card. Of course, we appreciate the money collected, and it’s put to good use, but nothing compares to a kind word or expressions of gratitude. 


A Fourth Grade Morah




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