Home / Editorial / Letters-to-the-editor-42


Dear Editor,

I enjoyed your editorial last month! While everyone seems to be focusing on the negatives, you chose to focus on the positives: the community’s evolution and growth. While we cannot deny that some families believe that the grass is greener at other pastures, this is still a vibrant and lovely community with a nice mixture of different types of people.  I have been a resident of Marine Park for almost 20 years, and I consider it a privilege that our family has found this unique neighborhood. For those that left, I wish you adieu, but for those that are new, I look forward to greeting you! 



Dear Editor,

In response to “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” from last month’s issue, I want to caution readers  that while plants are a great addition to any home, readers should be made aware that some common houseplants can be dangerous for pets and young children due to their toxicity. For example, philodendron contains calcium oxalate crystals and it’s important to keep its tendrils trimmed so pets and babies don’t chew on them. If ingested, it can cause skin irritation, upset stomach, and even spasms and seizures in pets. 

Franny M.


Dear Editor, 

How appropriate to publish an article praising the benefits of plants not only for Tu BiShvat, but also because we are in a Shemittah year. Plants provides us with so much and ask so little in return. We should all respect all of Hashem’s foliage and vegetation and appreciate them for their beauty and medicinal benefits.  Teach your children that plucking flowers or ripping leaves off trees doesn’t convey kavod habrios. 

Dovid B.


Dear Editor,

I am following Esti Ostrovitsky’s three-part series in getting organized for Pesach and it’s really making me feel calmer about the whole situation. We recently moved into our first home, and I quickly realized that more space doesn’t translate into less clutter. Esti’s tip about keeping duvet covers and sheets in the pillowcase is brilliant and saves me lots of aggravation when I’m looking for matching sets. I look forward to the next installment.

Goldy K.


Dear Editor,

I hope Esti Ostrovitsky tackles the children’s playroom in one of her installments. I find that while my house is mostly tidy, keeping the playroom organized is nearly impossible. As I soon as I clean it up, they make a mess in there! I am curious to read her suggestions for this most challenging room.

Frazzled Mom


Dear Editor,

My daughter loves, loves, loves your Motzoei Shabbos Girls Program! It is the highlight of her week and she and her friends look forward to it each time. You really knocked it out of the park! Please expand on this program and continue it every year.

Mrs. Miller

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