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Dear Editor,

The JCCMP came through once again with their GrabnGo food program. Although, I admit you started later in the season  than I would have liked, I am very grateful for your weekly packages, which contain sensible and practical food  items that my whole family  can enjoy.  From your milks, yogurt, fruits to frozen treats, you have helped me make many summer suppers. Thank you for all the services you provide to the  community!


Dear Editor,

I wish I had taken the day trip suggestions offered by Sarah Einhorn in your June issue. I think Plum Point Park, ClimbZone, and Dingmans Falls would have been much better (and cheaper) options than the places I took my kids to this summer. I am finding it  increasingly difficult to find child-friendly places to take the kids to so they are not exposed to foul language, improper dress code and conduct, lewd behavior, not to mention the stench of recently legalized narcotics.  Don’t worry, I kept the article, so next time I will know where to take the family.


The Fromers


Dear Editor,

I enjoyed reading June’s Mesila column about working from home. I, like many, have been working at home for the past year and although my employer probably thinks I am having it easy, I am finding that I am more burned out than ever. Because of the change in venue, coworkers, clients, and associates think nothing of contacting me evenings, late nights, weekends, and even on legal holidays. I missed part I of the installment, so perhaps this issue was already addressed, but I think it’s worth reiterating that just because one works from home, it doesn’t mean they are available 24/7. Concrete hours of work need to be established and maintained from the start or you will get overwhelmed. Hopefully we can all return to the office soon. I know my kids are sick of seeing the office computer and printer on our dinning room table. 

Pessy S.


Dear Editor,

I was very intrigued to read the interview with Rabbi Eliezer Krohn in your last issue. It is so important to have a book or a lecture devoted to Halachah as it pertains specifically to women.  I am especially  interested in the prospect of Rabbi Krohn possibly publishing a volume two to his book, A Women’s Guide to Practical Halacha, which will focus on lamed tes melachos that pertain to women, such as putting on makeup or making a salad. 


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