Home / Editorial / Letters-to-the-editor-35


Dear Editor,

I was inspired after reading the feature about Rabbi Dovid Egert and his position as a United States army chaplain. I am in awe of his dedication and service to this great country. I cannot imagine how hard it must be to relocate every couple of years with little notice and start a new life in a new state or even new country. Rabbi Egert is a true patriot and the sacrifices he and his family have made are commendable.


Dear Editor,

My kids are really enjoying the Mini Chef column and its easy and fun recipes! A few weeks ago, we tried the sour dill pickles, and they came out crunchy and delicious. Keep them coming!

The Shenkers


Dear Editor,

January’s snowstorm compelled me to submit this letter. Walking through the neighborhood was a challenge on some blocks where people, for whatever reason, failed to shovel their sidewalks. Not only is this incredibly selfish, inconsiderate, and dangerous, but it is also illegal. Property owners can get a citation for failure to clear a pathway in front of their homes so pedestrians can walk safely. I get annoyed when people make the most minimal effort to shovel, clearing a narrow path so they can walk in and out of their homes. According to 311 the law is:  If snow stops falling between 7 A.M. and 5 P.M., sidewalks must be cleared within four hours. If snow stops falling between 5 P.M. and 9 P.M., sidewalks must be cleared within 14 hours. If snow stops falling between 9 P.M. and 7 A.M., sidewalks must be cleared by 11 A.M.

A Reader


Dear Editor,

My senses of smell and taste have been compromised by COVID-19. I am sharing this because recently I was spared from a potential catastrophe, and I want to alert others. My dryer, which is in my basement, started to malfunction and smoke. I didn’t notice the smell or the fumes until my hallway fire detector started beeping and lighting up. I dread to think what would have happened if I didn’t have the device installed. Everyone should have a fire and carbon monoxide detector in multiple rooms of their homes and make sure they are working. 

A Reader


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