Home / Editorial / Letters-to-the-editor-28


Dear Editor,

“Just Horsing Around” by Sandy Eller was a great read. I am so impressed with the sacrifices the Lowensteins make to run their barn. Their farm offers something that is quite unique: entertainment and therapy for the special needs community.  I hope I can take my family there once life is back to normal.  

Shifra F.

Dear Editor,  

I could very much relate to the character of Rena in last month’s Teen Story. I was worried that this Pesach would be the worst. I was so focused on the trips we would be missing and the people we wouldn’t see, that in all honesty, I was dreading the chag. But much like the protagonist of the story, I ended up having an epiphany that this was probably one of our best Pesachs ever. The challenges of COVID-19 forced us to simplify and prioritize. We stayed indoors and really bonded. This is the first year that the kids didn’t quarrel with each other. They didn’t bicker about who got the bigger piece of cake, or who got the best afikoman present. It may have been the  “Longest Pesach,” (just like the title) but it was certainly one of the best.  

Matty Kenig

Dear Editor,

Well, she did it again! How does Yitty Berkovic manage to make me cry almost every month with her emotional and funny columns? I was so touched by her son Naftali’s reaction to visiting Israel for the first time. Clearly, the holiness of the land permeated the very essence of his soul, allowing him to see something the rest of us cannot. I don’t know what it was, but I pray that we can all see it soon. 

A. S. 


Dear Editor,

I want to thank you for having the article about the top five dating tips in the latest Echo magazine.  I found the article to be very well-written and relatable.

Sorah Z. 

Dear Editor,
I am a psychotherapist who enjoyed the article on dating by Goldy Krantz. She portrayed the pros and cons of dating in a straightforward manner laced with common sense and humor. I plan on showing it to my grandchildren who are in the shidduch stage. Thank you for this informative article. I hope to see more from this author in the future.

Chaya Danziger, LCSW

Dear Editor,

I really enjoyed the article “Top 5 Common Sense Dating Tips” by Goldy Krantz. She’s right that her tips are “common sense,” but common sense isn’t always common! The article was down to earth and funny. I would enjoy seeing more articles from this author.

Batsheva (Caroline) Boehm

Dear Editor, 

My daughter has convinced me to send this email. I probably would have sent it anyway – but she wouldn’t be looking over my shoulder when I finally did do it. We both liked the 5 Basic Dating Tips in your April issue of the Jewish Echo. My daughter is in the dating parsha and with each dating tip, she was able to provide an example of someone she dated that needed to pay more attention to that particular tip. I’ve married off my older children, but it all didn’t seem as complicated as things have become now. Good for you for publishing the article – it was nice to have a bonding conversation with my 24 year old daughter about dating.

Chaya R. Fine

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