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Dear Editor,

In her article entitled “The Perfect Family Picture,” Mrs. Berkovic wrote, “I know – sibling rivalry is normal. But my children don’t seem like rivals.  They seem like enemies.  And it breaks my heart.”

I hope she will reach out and seek help in learning how to cope with the behavior of her middle children. If she or anyone else would like a copy of my article “Cannot Eliminate, Can Reduce” on the subject of sibling rivalry, please send an email to ysa613article@gmail.com.

Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Ackerman

Dear Editor,

I take umbrage with your February editorial where you make the plea that Jews should consider switching to the Democratic party so they can participate in more primaries. I have been a lifelong Democrat as soon as I was of voting age. In fact, it has been well documented, that for nearly a century, American Jews have been one of the most reliable voting blocs for the Democratic party. However,  the party as it stands today, is not what it was, and I hate to admit this, but I think the time has come for Jews to abandon them since they have clearly abandoned us. In the past, Jews have always gravitated toward the Democratic party because it spoke to our values of aiding those that are less fortunate and standing up for injustice. But today’s Democrat cares more about abortion,  climate change, immigrants’ rights, criticizing Israel, and disrespecting the presidency. It’s not just those two or three outspoken officials who disappoint me, but the others who remain silent upon hearing their spewing of anti-Semitic rhetoric. Why are we supporting such a group? Yes, we may miss out in elections, but I cannot in good consciousness align myself with such a party. It says in Pirkei Avos “shitkah k’hodaah-” silence is like acceptance.  I hope the Democratic party sees this as a wake-up call for them to shape up.  

  Stanley Schwartz

Dear Editor,

Like many Marine Park homeowners,  was shocked when I got my NYC Property Assessment in the mail. It seems my home decreased 21 percent in value but  increased 29 percent in taxes!!!! Even with the STAR program, we are paying over $6,000 a year now. I attended Senator Andrew Gounardes’ Notice of Property Value Session on Feb. 10th  and was deeply disappointed in the outcome. Why are modest homes in Marine Park paying more in taxes than upscale homes in Park Slope?!

 Diane G.

Dear Editor,

Your article “Give a Little Tzedakah” really opened my eyes to how much a dollar a day can really impact a good cause. People often mistakenly assume that they do not have enough money to really make a difference when it comes to charity contribution, but Daily Giving shows us otherwise.   D. S.

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