Home / Editorial / Letters-to-the-editor-25


Dear Editor,
State troopers guarding my kids’ yeshiva every morning has become a normal sight. Isn’t that sad? I don’t even know how to explain to my children why there is a police presence outside the schools and shuls in our area. I am grateful for the men (and women) in blue who patrol and protect our streets, but I am distraught that this is our new normal. It pains me that the next generation has to live in such a hostile environment that they have to worry about walking home alone. Moshiach now!
Sad Midwood Mom

Dear Editor,
Thank you for covering the controversy behind the possible opening of Urban Dove in our area (Choose to Shine p 32). I am one of the residents who opposes this move. The location in question is a peaceful and residential area. Introducing teenagers who have a propensity for misbehavior is a terrible idea, especially now, when anti-Semitic attacks are rampant. I attended the meeting to discuss the possible move and was shocked when Jai Nanda said that he doesn’t plan to have security outside the school since that is the job of the police force. Because the subway is far from the school, we are going to see these teenagers roaming the streets before and after school (if they even make it to class).
M. L.

Dear Editor,
I always enjoy reading Yitti Berkovic’s Musings. Last month’s column poking fun at travel points and winter vacation could easily have been written about us. I feel like we are the last family in Marine Park to spend our winter recess locally, entertaining ourselves by playing outside, going bowling, visiting the library, and yes, also making doctor’s appointments! Thank you for the laughs!
Yankovich Family

Dear Editor,
I would like to donate money to Riki Chanin’s winter gemach so she can fix up her basement, but the article didn’t specify how. Please provide information.
Editor Response:
You can find a link for donation on the Crown Heights Gemach Go Fund me page. Tizki l’ mitzvahs!

Dear Neighbors,

When b’ ezras Hashem, we are blessed to make a simchah, we are overjoyed. However, our homes are usually too small to accommodate all of our guests, so we ask neighbors and friends to host some of them. Usually, they are happy to accommodate and play a big role in making the simchah possible.

Making a simchah is costly enough, but now we have to factor in the additional expense of “hostess gifts” because we want to show our hakaras hatov to our hosts.

However, in my experience, people who host do not want a “chatchke,”vase, candy dish/platter, or other trinkets, They also don’t want you to spend money on them; they just want to have the zechus of the mitzvah of hachnasas orchim while being part of your simchah!

Therein, lies the quandary.

I’d like to propose a solution; however, in order for it to work in our community as well as in others, there has to be a family making a simchah, who will have the courage to be the FIRST one to use it. And from then on, it will be commonplace and all will be able to avail themselves of it as well.

The solution:

For a $7-$10 donation to Project Machal, a beautifully colored card can be sent/given to your host that says the following:

Flowers, chocolate or hostess gifts would have been a nice treat,
But instead, a poor family’s Shabbos needs, you did meet.
In your honor, food for Shabbos has been provided to a needy family in our area.

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