Home / Editorial / Letters-to-the-editor-23


Dear Editor,

Kudos to Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein for his public service work! We need more Orthodox Jews like him and Councilman Chaim Deutsch and Simcha Eichenstein to generate a positive change in an otherwise red-taped government and make a huge kiddush Hashem!       A. M.

Dear Editor,

I strongly disagree with the concept of rage rooms. If someone is so enraged that the only way he or she can calm down is by destroying property, then that person should immediately seek counseling. Smashing electronic devise will not solve anything. There are many more constructive ways to channel your anger such as  going for a walk, exercise, talking about it, and davening to Hashem.       Pinny Gross

Dear Editor,

Credit card debt is rampant, as discussed in last month’s Mesila column. I think credit cards are the primary root of most people’s overspending and reason for falling into debt. It is so easy to lose track of your budget when you are swiping plastic as opposed to using the cash that you have in your pocket. The credit card companies encourage overuse with attractive bonuses like points, gifts, and miles. I read an article a while back that predicted  that in 50 years nobody will be using coins and dollar bills anymore for currency; it will all be Bitcoin and digital payments. This is not good news. Cash is king. Yeah, there are some benefits to using credit cards, but I recommend cash for all purchases. Cash is manageable, convenient, untraceable, and a foolproof way of not overspending. An Accountant 

Dear Editor,

In response to Ask a Therapist, do you know why more people, especially the young, suffer from anxiety disorders these days? Because life has become too easy. They didn’t grow up in a world with poverty, war, and struggle. They have too much free time on their hands to overthink and overanalyze everything.  Get busy, get working, and you’ll get over it! Heshy S.

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