Home / Editorial / Letters-to-the-editor-14


Dear Editor,

Thank you, Shea Rubenstein, for releasing  Shirei Haplaita. I know of no other musician that is producing songs from before the Holocaust.  Now these tunes can be remembered and cherished for generations to come. My grandfather is enjoying your songs so much! I gave him the CD as a Chanukah present, not knowing what else to get him, and he listens to it at least two times every day.  

Chanie J.

Dear Editor,

Rizy Horowitz is an amazing individual who goes well beyond her duties to help Holocaust survivors through her organization, Nachas.  I am glad she got the acknowledgment she deserves in your feature. It is not easy to work with survivors and understand their trauma, but Rizy “gets” it. It is even harder dealing with the red tape of reparations, but Rizy rolls up her sleeves and always gets to work to get the monies owed to her beloved ladies (and men). I met her once when I needed help getting medical coverage for my mother and despite the packed office and ringing phone, I will never forget the individualized attention Rizy gave us.  

Daughter of a Survivor  

Dear Editor,

I found Yankovich’s article on food-related anti-Semitism quite interesting. It is true that in today’s age, liberals especially will find any means to attack Jews and Israel. Do you know that the week of Chanukah, the New York Times ran an article about how fried  potatoes are bad for your health? Interesting timing, no? I also hear that Arnold’s Bread and Entenmman’s might be pulling their OU hashgacha. Why would such major brand names not want Jews to buy their food?  

Stanley Green

Dear Editor,

I loved Rabbi Gewirtz’s Chanukah column last month. All I heard from my friends and coworkers each day of Chanukah was what gifts they were giving their kids. The next day, I heard venting about how their kids wanted to know what gift tomorrow will bring. How sad. Rabbi Gewirtz is right; the best gift you can give your child, or anyone for that matter, is your time and attention. They can get a toy from anywhere or anyone, but your love is so much more precious and remembered. Try finding that on Amazon!  

Bracha G.

Dear Editor,

I read your latest Ask the Therapist column with much interest as our family will be celebrating our very first bar mitzvah in a few months. I was eager to read the response as my husband and I also worry that our party will not meet the expectations of the community. When our son was little, we set aside money for this special occasion, but we doubt it will be enough. However, we are also smart enough not to succumb to pressure and go into debt for this one-night affair. We are having a simple yet tasteful bar mitzvah with no DJ, flowers, or sushi – just heaping spoonfuls of Yiddishe nachas. Hope our guests enjoy!  

The Shulman Family

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