Home / Editorial / Letters-to-the-editor-11


Dear Editor,

The JCCMP Back to School Street Fair was a lifesaver for our family, and I must express my sincerest gratitude to your wonderful organization for arranging such a well-organized and fun event. We have three little kids and getting the free backpacks stocked with necessary school supplies helped us save much money. The actual event itself was a blast for the kids and they are now excited, and thanks to you, ready to go to school.  Keep up the great work!

Mrs. S.


Dear Editor,

The article “Digital Heroin” by Ita Yankovich is so important to read and not just for parents regarding their kids. We as a society, I feel, are mostly walking zombies. Go to any restaurant, park, bus, simchah, or event, and you will see people engrossed in their electronics and shut off from the real world. True, they may not have a “disorder,” and they may be functioning adults, but that doesn’t detract from the damage the digital age has wreaked on our society. Let me give you simple case. I recently called a mother to get her child’s cell phone number. To my surprise, the single mom of one child did not even know her own child’s number by heart; she had to get it off her smartphone.  Remember the days when everyone knew a handful of numbers by heart? This is just a minor example. The situation is much more serious. I wish everyone, not just parents, would be more mindful about how addicted we all have become.

Ahuva M.


Dear Editor,

Give me a break.  Gaming disorder? Does everything today have to be classified as a disorder these days? Let kids be kids and allow them to unwind and play video games. Sheesh!



Dear Editor,

You are doing a fantastic job editing this fine magazine! There, I did it; I just followed Rabbi Gewirtz’s advice in “Paying Compliments” and I am sure I just made someone’s day, for free.  Giving compliments, just like a smile, costs us nothing but gives the recipient everything. Taking seconds to smile at someone and wish them a good day or compliment their attire has the potential of changing that person’s entire day. Let’s make it a rule and give at least three compliments a day, and even more to our spouse and kids.

Adina Fruchter

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